
Some Ideas for a Boys 13th Birthday?

by Guest32278  |  earlier

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I'm absolutely stumped at what I should do, rate these and tell me your good 13th birthdays so I can see if I can get any ideas.

A football game (if there is one on at the time)



Add any of your cool 13th Birthdays.




  1. Have it at home. That's what I did. I invited lots of people to my flat when I celebrated my 13th birthday in April. Here 10 things that I've done in the past for my birthday parties, and they've all been at home:

    01. HAVE A SLEEPOVER: I had one and it was so fun. I had people stay overnight and we played brandy in the dark with a glow-in-the-dark ball. So cool (I accidentally hit my friend in the nuts so be careful). And if you do follow my suggestion, make sure your parents don't wake up!

    02. PLAY SODA SHAKE: Soda shake is the funnest game ever! If you don't know what it is, Soda Shake is where all of your friends gather in a circle and you get a bottle of any soft drink (preferrably the smallest soda you can get because you don't want to waste) and you each take turns going around the circle, shaking the bottle until it explodes. Whoever it explodes on is out for the next round. I played it and it was so cool!

    03. PLAY WITH WATER BALOONS: there are so many things you can do. Some of my recent ideas are to play rugby with them (make sure it's on grass otherwise it hurts if you fall over), play catch, play volleyball or play brandy with water balloons. They're so much fun!

    04. PLAY THE GAME WITH THE LONG NAME: also known as Truth-Dare-Double Dare-Love-Kiss-Physical Torture-l**k-Put Down Pants-Say in a minute-Bang Head Against-Triple Dare-Hump-Psychological Torture or Pash. You may also just refer to it as "Truth or Dare" or "Truth, dare, double dare, love, kiss or torture". If you don't know what these are, you probably just climbed out from under a rock and are probably celebrating your 4th birthday rather than your 14th.

    05. WATCH A MOVIE: particularly a comedy. Best done if you do number 01 on this list. Preferably at night. I've done that in all of my sleepovers. I made it a tradition. Make sure you choose a good movie, though.

    06. GO FOR A SWIM: even if it's winter! Actually it's more fun that way. I did that when I had my birthday party and we played Suicidal Volleyball. It's called that because you have to jump around and stuff. You can do anything you like, but just keep in mind about other reasons why it's called Suicidal Volleyball...

    07. PLAY WATER PISTOL TIGGY: Water pistol tiggy is the best. It's basically like tiggy except you have two teams, each with a captain. When you squirt someone with the water pistol then they're on your team. Once you squirt all the members of the other team or squirt the other team's captain then your team wins and you start again.

    08. PLAY BRANDY: of course! It's painful for sure, but nothing's better than to do that at a party! Brandy is also known as British Bulldog or Ball Tiggy. Just make sure you don't invite any wussy guests because I did that this year and while we played Brandy he went inside and hung out with my sister (party pooper)

    09. DANCE: even though I haven't done this one, it's still a good idea. Best done if you invite people from both genders =P. Make sure you don't have crappy songs to dance to otherwise you may end up with a lonely, lonely party. (I DON'T know off personal experience! IT'S JUST A THEORY!)

    10. PLAY PAINTBALL: Oooooooh. Sweet Paintball. Don't you just love that sound of people getting SPLAT! Make sure you wear protective gear though. And play it outside, otherwise that's fully suicidal. Better done if you have a big spacial backyard.

    Just in case you want to know some ideas for the older years, I did number 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 on the list for my 13th birthday.

    Hope those ten ideas help. At home is a good idea. It's less expensive. And you can still have fun. I mean, look at all these ideas, and that's not ALL I've done!

  2. get a Wii video game as a gift and get games and that's all he will need it really active and fun mabey you can have it all ready set up for him to play so he wont have to waite and go threw the directions an loose all the excitment DO IT !

  3. you could hire a limo for him and his pals and then invite them all back to your house for a party, but make sure the party consists of lots of computer games and boyish stuff rather that clowns and cake lol

    buy in lots of junk food, crisps, sweets ect and fizzy juice.

    or instead of a party it could be a sleep over, same idea, junk food, deliverys and lots of computer games ect.

    some other ideas:

    paint balling, bowling, laser quest, theme park, safari park, water park, swimming party (most pools do partys for hire)

    have fun what ever you decide, hope iv helped you a bit

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