
Some Port Adelaide jokes.....Funny or not?

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Lol.......nminto67. Good jokes.

Thanx Kristy.




  1. You are in a room with a hungry croc, a rabid dingo, and a Port supporter. You have a revolver with two bullets in it.

    How do you use the bullets?

    Put them both in the Port supporter, in case the first one only injured him.

    How do you save a Port supporter from drowning?

    Take your foot off his head

    A prominent politician was found dead in Hindley St. wearing Port Adelaide colours...

    To save the pollie's family years of embarrassment, the coppers dressed him up in women's lingerie before they called it in.

    Star for you Kev.. If the Power win, I am packing up and leaving this state!

  2. For some reason,they are not so funny,WHY????

    Because they only work for Collingwood.hehehe

  3. it would sound funnier about collingwood

    but yes its funny

    Go Geelong

  4. Question.   There was a  big c**k, a hard c**k and a soft c**k. You can put a condom on a big c**k and a condom on a hard c**k, but what do you put on a soft c**k??  

    Answer.  A Port Adelaide football jumper

  5. LOL

    Go CATS!

  6. Show them up to Warren Tredra's face and then he will be the laughing stock in the whole AFL society. The jokes were so funny that my mum got angry because she was trying to sleep but now she's fine :)

  7. Funny!,

    But Mean!,

    Good Job!!!,

    Q. What Do U call the port power team when they win?

    A. Fluke

  8. Hun they are always good no matter what others say. I ♥ u xoxoxo

  9. Good job big Kev!

    my favourite would have to be

    Q. What do you call a 30 year old female Power supporter?

    A. Granny.


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