
Some Random Questions ?

by  |  earlier

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1. Guys, if two C&A Girls were going to fight over you, which two would you want to fight over you and why? Also who would win?

Girls same thing...only the obvious replacement.

2. Say your least favorite band teamed up with your least favorite Anime characters (depending on the number of them) to get you and they somehow managed to capture you and five of your contacts (you're pick). How would you escape?

3. Who are the greatest rivals on C&A?

4. Show me what you can do. Name three powers and abilities that you think can counter the power to release shockwaves.

5. What are the top five transformations in Anime history?

6. Name the most epic moment in Anime History.

7. Name something that you can live without in Anime (personally it's fillers)

8. For the regs that DON'T get reconized- have you ever felt outcasted by the regs?

9. Have you ever wondered who would win in a fight between Ussop (One Piece) and Sokka (Avatar) in a comedy face off, or Naruto and Aang in a battle of Chakras? How about Final Fantasy VII vs Gotei 13? (This is completely random so just deal with it.)

10. Finally, name an impressive feat by one character you hate.

11. Do all comedy series purposely make a stupid joke episode after winning a huge award (Example: South Park EMMY)

Have fun, be random, and shout a random pairing for C&A regs (reason why? Because I'm feeling the need to see this happen.)




  1. 1. Guys, if two C&A Girls were going to fight over you, which two would you want to fight over you and why? Also who would win?

    Girls same thing...only the obvious replacement.

    <--O.o um im not sure hmm let me think id like gah i cant think of any guy here i would want to fight over me there all so arrogant and ew lmao. plus lots are way to younger then me. so i really dont know.

    2. Say your least favorite band teamed up with your least favorite Anime characters (depending on the number of them) to get you and they somehow managed to capture you and five of your contacts (you're pick). How would you escape?

    <--omg well lets see id have FMC and Tri distract all of them, then stabby and me will attack them, and the chu and chappy will find the exits and then whistle to tell us they found them then we will all escape only to be caught by the leader who i will fight and destroy then we will truly be free

    3. Who are the greatest rivals on C&A?

    <--not really rivals more like bitter enemys and thats heather

    but as for rivals then itachithacker is one i guess and chu i guess lol

    4. Show me what you can do. Name three powers and abilities that you think can counter the power to release shockwaves.

    <--lol turning my self into rubber (lol rubber doesnt conduct electricity) electricity of my own to counter act that, and earth powers like absorbing in the ground moving earth and what not

    5. What are the top five transformations in Anime history?

    <--um i really dont know this one at least i dont think so

    6. Name the most epic moment in Anime History.

    <--hmm i think if spirited away winning an award im not sure which one it was an epic moment

    <--but also the creation of death note is one in my opinion

    7. Name something that you can live without in Anime (personally it's fillers)

    <--fillers yes but bad endings is another

    8. For the regs that DON'T get reconized- have you ever felt outcasted by the regs?

    <--well now i do since i changed my name but yeah im an old reg whose name was canine4evr which everyone knows me as C4 lol

    9. Have you ever wondered who would win in a fight between Ussop (One Piece) and Sokka (Avatar) in a comedy face off, or Naruto and Aang in a battle of Chakras? How about Final Fantasy VII vs Gotei 13? (This is completely random so just deal with it.)

    <--nah but i think ussop would win, aang, and final fantasy VII would win

    10. Finally, name an impressive feat by one character you hate.

    <--um i dont know i guess it was surviving the thirds attacks (oro)

    11. Do all comedy series purposely make a stupid joke episode after winning a huge award (Example: South Park EMMY)

    <--i think some do not sure if all do, thats quite funny when they do that, there just proud they won

    Have fun, be random, and shout a random pairing for C&A regs (reason why? Because I'm feeling the need to see this happen.)

    <--sorry but h**l no i dont believe in online dating and pairings so i will not say one sorry

  2. 1 ichigo and sasuke :)

    2 i dont want my account  to be suspended so i cant say

    3 vegeta and goku

    4 bankai :)

    5 ichigo-bankai ichigo-full hollow uh...

    6 when jiraiya dies...not really...

    7 movies that dont fit in the storyline

    8 wtf

    9 theyll both die. naruto. easy gotei 13. easy

    10 alphonse elric transmuted eds soul when he died

    11 duh

  3. 1. Guys, if two C&A Girls were going to fight over you, which two would you want to fight over you and why? Also who would win? *blush* that would be real embarassing to tell... so I won't xOO hmm... okay, okay~ Mat vs umm... I don't know... I like Mat (I mean, LIKE LIKE, not have a crush or love or anything!!! xPPP)

    Mat wins ^^

    2. Say your least favorite band teamed up with your least favorite Anime characters (depending on the number of them) to get you and they somehow managed to capture you and five of your contacts (you're pick). How would you escape?

    Least Fav band: Westlife

    Least Fav character: Sasuke

    My 5 Contacts:






    I would escape by  beating them up with my own hands~ Wachaa~~ *kung fu style*

    3. Who are the greatest rivals on C&A?

    Oh... I don't know... Jazmin vs =) for the Top Answerer?

    4. Show me what you can do. Name three powers and abilities that you think can counter the power to release shockwaves.

    Ability to turn my body into fire

    Ability to control the elements

    Ability to play dead >=D

    5. What are the top five transformations in Anime history?

    Can't think of any

    6. Name the most epic moment in Anime History.

    Epic battles?

    Grimmjow vs Ichigo

    Itachi vs Sasuke

    7. Name something that you can live without in Anime (personally it's fillers)


    8. For the regs that DON'T get reconized- have you ever felt outcasted by the regs?

    I never felt that way actually... so no ^^ all the regs here are nice (like Stabby, Solcrest, Chou, Miyu xDDD)

    9. Have you ever wondered who would win in a fight between Ussop (One Piece) and Sokka (Avatar) in a comedy face off, or Naruto and Aang in a battle of Chakras? How about Final Fantasy VII vs Gotei 13? (This is completely random so just deal with it.)

    Ussop vs Sokka


    Naruto vs Aang

    Naruto (Dattebayo!)

    Final Fantasy vs Gotei 13

    GOTEI 13!

    10. Finally, name an impressive feat by one character you hate.

    Sasuke. He manage to beat Orochimaru.. *rolls eyes*

    11. Do all comedy series purposely make a stupid joke episode after winning a huge award (Example: South Park EMMY)


    Have fun, be random, and shout a random pairing for C&A regs (reason why? Because I'm feeling the need to see this happen.)

    Chou x Miyu

    Coz they're the most popular... xDDD

  4. 1. Guys, if two C&A Girls were going to fight over you, which two would you want to fight over you and why? Also who would win?

    >> Lol, Sorry I can't do this ^^" This would make me too IDK >_> Awesome Funny Question but I couldn't answer this.

    2. Say your least favorite band teamed up with your least favorite Anime characters (depending on the number of them) to get you and they somehow managed to capture you and five of your contacts (you're pick). How would you escape?

    * Miyu

    * Tally

    * Mat

    * Lex

    * FreedomWingz

    >> Ask if we could leave lmao

    3. Who are the greatest rivals on C&A?

    * That would be the beef between

    * Anbu Kunoichi AKA Canine4Evr


    * Heather W

    4. Show me what you can do. Name three powers and abilities that you think can counter the power to release shockwaves.

    * Ground Pokemon

    * Earthquakes

    & Rocks? lol

    5. What are the top five transformations in Anime history?

    * Goku SSJ

    * Goku SSJ3

    * Trunks Future SSJ

    * Broly?

    * Cell?

    6. Name the most epic moment in Anime History.

    * When Naota tells Haruko he loves her?

    7. Name something that you can live without in Anime (personally it's fillers)

    * Fillers too I guess

    8. For the regs that DON'T get reconized- have you ever felt outcasted by the regs?

    * Nope

    9. Have you ever wondered who would win in a fight between Ussop (One Piece) and Sokka (Avatar) in a comedy face off, or Naruto and Aang in a battle of Chakras? How about Final Fantasy VII vs Gotei 13? (This is completely random so just deal with it.)

    * Ussop

    * Naruto

    * Hard but I'll be bias and pick FFVII Lol

    10. Finally, name an impressive feat by one character you hate.

    * IDK

    11. Do all comedy series purposely make a stupid joke episode after winning a huge award (Example: South Park EMMY)

    * I don't know

    Have fun, be random, and shout a random pairing for C&A regs (reason why? Because I'm feeling the need to see this happen.)

    * Chou X Go Yoon ha

    * Chou X Aya Toujo

    * Chou X Miyuki =D

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