
Some Steps to Reduce Traffic Jam?

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I want to know some steps really possible ................




  1. If everyone drove like they did for their test, the traffic would flow alot better.

    Just look at how people on a daily basis do selfish things that cause traffic to either slow or stop, eg; stopping in a line of traffic that blocks a side road. Someone wants to turn into the side road and can't, so al the traffic behind them has to stop and wait. If that was done on a driving test, it would be a fail.

    There are loads of other examples. Just do as the Highway Code says.

  2. Driver's licence fee:  $5000.00/year

    Licence Plate:  $5000.00/year

    Road fee:  $5000.00/year

    Insurance:  $10,000.00/year

    That might keep teens off the road and thus less trafic jams.

  3. This can be fixed by 2 simple things.

    1)People learning how to merge properly.

    2)People staying out of the PASSING lane except to pass instead of acting as everyone's guardian, going 10 under the limit, and not passing ANYONE.  I've seen time and again, how much traffic gets bunched up behind those 2 pieces of scum. Don't even get me started on the ppl who rubberneck and literally stop to look at an accident. They totally deserve to be in that accident themselves, and they will be if they continue to drive like that.

    Unfortunately this will never change unless North America enforces strict driver licensing like in Europe.

  4. I don't know the scope of you question or the specific situations. So in general,

    Mandatory driver training to ALL drivers teaching the real reasons for aggressive driving...people blocking intersection, people driving slow in the passing lanes, people cutting others off, people cutting in...Teach about traffic flow and why rules are there, such as keep right except to pass.

    Ticket people that enter an intersection where their exit is blocked. You know them, the ones blocking the lane when the light turns green.

    Increase the time between traffic light going red to other lane going green to reduce collisions by red light runners. (Mandatory 1 night in jail for running a red light, no exceptions. Add one night for each occurence. and actively enforce it.)

    Ticket people that drive up the breakdown lane and cut in.

    Ticket people that do not merge properly when a lane ends..

    Do away with the stupid carpool lanes.

    Stop adding traffic lights. Traffic lights are bad and should be a last resort. Smarter intersections keep the flow moving.

    Make traffic lights smarter. For example lights that cycle and make the only car in sight stop.

    Ticket people that drive beside the person they are suppose to be passing. Ticket people that drift into the next lane while not paying attention to their driving (I don't have a problem with people on the phone or eating or even shaving, as long as they pay their first attention to driving.

    Immediate execution for any idiot that runs into a cop car pulled over with lights flashing.

  5. Dont drive, walk/ cycle/ public transport

  6. Here are a few ideas  :

    Try to make alternative routes

    Reduce rail and bus fares during rush hour so more people would use them

    Do what Boston done and put big roads in tunnels under the city to reduce congestion in the city center.

    have a good public transport system so people would use it.

  7. Don't go the way that everybody else goes.  Instead of taking the freeway, take the streets.

    There is a way, but people won't take it.  Drive smaller cars.  Take out half the length of every commuter's car out there, and you will be through the length of the jam in maybe over half the time.  Build a special model commuter vehicle, designed for carrying only one person and a briefcase and cell phone, since that is typically the most people need when driving to their jobs and back.

  8. How about when theres a accedent, speed up and not slow down to look at the accedent, its something I hate.

    oh, how about driving a motorcycle.

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