
Some US Urban legends said that the french people don't take a bath, is that truth?

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or that they are dirty and for that reason they use perfume

other urban legend said that the french girls like a lot of s*x (bit...), that is thruth?

and other strange urban legends about Cats in Paris




  1. rubbish they do take baths but i can't say all of them do because there is maybe a few that have bad hygiene problems

  2. Sure, I am French, and I have never taken a bath in my whole life. In fact, I never wash, and use lots of Guerlain perfume to make up for it.

  3. It is true that the French and British take fewer showers and baths than say, Americans and Australians. It's partly cultural, partly because of the cooler climate.

    My French husband thinks it's weird how often I bathe our children and myself. Also, he's amazed at the laundry. I insist the children always leave the house in clean clothes and inspect it if they do rewear an outer garment. I also "raid" his affairs and send those items which are more "perfumed" to the hamper ("Where are the socks I left here??" is an often-heard phrase in our house!)

    I will admit that it's better than when I first came over in 1987. It's true they don't have as good deorderants but they're improving. I still use the same U.S. brand even though I haven't lived there in 18 years. I honestly bring some back with me on each trip. My husband now uses a brand for over there too. More to put in our suitcases!

    As a Flight Attendant, the American passengers often complained of their European seatmates. Once, it was really bad. Full flight. I couldn't move the poor passenger. I couldn't do anything about the seatmate either... Delicate situation!

    But the vast majority of our French passengers were fine and didn't smell. If they did, often they had connected from some crazy location and had been on the road for ages. Any nationality would have then been a bit ripe at that stage!

    I can't talk about the cats.

    The girls are not s*x maniacs. Many still live at home till well into their 20's and they have tough academic schedules far later. None of this fun-college stuff we had in the U.S. I also find many are conservative and practical, preferring to get married once establishing a career. Teenaged mothers are less common here in France than either the U.K. or U.S.

    It's good to ask. Perhaps we can "kill" some of these misconceptions.

  4. no, but deodorant is optional

  5. No its not true.

    Obviously such claims are common as anyone who reads some of the junk posted here can confirm.

    You should consider that assertions that some group is dirty and that their women are oversexed is a common claim of racists of all kinds everywhere.

    n***s said that Jews were dirty and that Jewish women (especially red headed ones) were s*x maniacs.

    Southern racists commonly say that Blacks are dirty and that Black women are promiscuous.

    Those who promulgate the dirty/oversexed French caricature are generally no better than racists.

    EDIT: If there is an excuse for these sort of slurs it is based on cultural differences.

    Americans are the most paranoid people in the world when it comes to smelling like a normal, clean, human being. Exposure to billions of dollars of commericals has convinced them that anyone who does not smell like a garland of flowers or a bowl of fruit is "dirty."  Paranoia about smelling bad prompts Americans to constantly suck on breath mints, cake their armpits with deodorants, slather themselves in perfumed talcum powder, stuff "odor eaters" in their shoes, and, in the case of women, douche several times a day and then liberally apply a scented "feminine hygiene deodorant spray." After all this they then spray on plenty of perfume or cologne to create a cacophony of overbearing scent.

    It is possible that some Americans, brainwashed as they are by commercials, and catching a hint of sweat may draw the incorrect conclusion that this represents a complete failure to bathe.

    As to those s**y French girls I suspect that some people confuse a somewhat more relaxed attitude towards partial nudity at the beach or a more casual attiude about displaying the female form in  commerical advertising with personal sexual mores. This is simply not true. If anything, French girls are somewhat more conservative in their personal relationships than American girls. Surveys indicate that the age for first intercourse is about 16 for American girls and between 17 and 18  for French girls.

  6. no , it´s absolutely not true.

    As you say , it´s only urban legends

  7. This "legend" comes from ancient times when even the Kings like Roi Soleil,Madame Pompadour etc. didn't care to wash because they thought that water is dirty. So they covered their odors with loads of perfume...

  8. This is why I believe that foreign exchange programs need more support. I have heard from people that some people think Americans have like Texas accents and eat McDonalds everyday. People-We need to stop the stereotypes.

    But to answer your question-I have heard that before and I know loads of french people and their habits are no different than those of Americans.

  9. Are all Americans fat ?

    Are you all stupid because your president is ?

    No, so don't believe these legends, they are a lot of stories about people in the world but lots are old-fashioned and purely racists...

    I agree with Annabelle, i'm French too and i just took a bath once by accident because  it was raining outside, i hope it won't happen again !

    ps-Madonna : Mme de Pompadour was not a king ^^

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