
Some advice about deposit and leases?

by  |  earlier

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I'm moving back to ireland after staying in California for two and a half months and i have reminded my landlord about this twice already, also asking if he could have my deposit ready by the day i leave. He knew my situation and knew that i would need the money back but the two times that i've called him he's just said: oh yeah yeah, im trying im trying. I'm aware of the law in California but can anyone give me any advice on what i could do? (i cannot stay any longer as my visa will expire) Thanks!




  1. Leave an address he can mail it to, he has to mail it to you by a certain time. I know it sucks because if you have to sue, it will not be worth it to pay the costs from Ireland, but I see no other options.

  2. In CA, the landlord has 3 weeks to return your security deposit.  He has to list the deductions, and the charge for each.  No matter how much you ask him to return it before you leave the country, by law, he has 3 weeks.  Leave a forwarding address so he can send it to you.  Landlords have that amount of time so he can complete repairs and cleaning, so he knows how much to deduct.  That is what a security deposit is for.  It is not just money you give to the landlord, that he holds for as long as you reside their, and give it back to you in full the day you move out.  It is for any repairs, cleaning or outstanding bills he may have in connection to your apartment.  Sorry, but it is probably not what you wanted to hear.  Legally, he is still in the right.  I think he knows though, that if you are moving out of the country, if he doesn't send you your security deposit, (less any deductions), that you are not going to come back to the U.S. and sue him in court.  So, I guess what I am trying to say is, you may get ripped off.

  3. Since the law is on the landlord’s side, I would not try and play hard ball, the landlord is under no legal obligation to return the deposit  on the day you move out, though under CA law you can request a walk through before you time is up to allow you to cure any problems so try that and see what problems the landlord comes up with  

  4. The landlord is not obligated to return your deposit on the day you move out.  There might still be utility bills to settle.  Where I live, I have to prepare a very official report of all funds n and out during the course of the stay.  I would never give a deposit back on the day someone moved out.

    If you really need the money, you could ask for part of it back on the day you move out, with the remainder sent to you in Ireland.  

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