
Some advice on running?

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I ran 5 miles in 38 minutes yesterday on the treadmill. Although I am not training for anything, I decided to do a speed run consisting of running around a 7:25 minute mile.

I wouldn't mind doing that outside even though it's a lot harder and the road is not as smooth as the surface of a treadmill.

Any tips?




  1. I would start running on the road a few days a week about 2-3 miles each time until you get more comfortable on the road. Also if you set the incline on the treadmill to 3 to 5 percent that is supposed to be closer to what it's like to run on the road. Once you get out on the road at 5 am in the quiet dark with all of the stars out you will never want to run on a treadmill again.

  2. The atmosphere on a treadmill is very different from the one on the road. Try running outdoors once in a while to get a hang of it. It's certainly more beneficial than the treadmill. Your legs also get the workout they need in uphill roads, but nevertheless, if you don't have time or the weather sucks, run on the treadmill. It's more convenient. Oh yeah, running on the read gives you a wider view around the world and helps you think about life more often. Try it. Just run farther and faster.  

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