
Some basic questions about hampster care?

by Guest44595  |  earlier

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Hi I am thinking about getting a hampster. I really like female dwarf hampsters :) What do they eat? What will happen in the winter when it gets cold, can I get a heater for her? Will she be more happy with another hampster? And will she need a glass tank (like a 10 gallon fish tank type) or a cage? Thank you so much for your answers!





  2. The pet stores all have hampster food and that is more than fine to feed her.  I would also get yougurt drops for her and some wooden chew sticks.  In the winter, she will burrow in her bedding but you can cover her cage with a blanket to help insulate her.  Another hampster is not really needed because they can be very territorial, not to mention pet stores don't always know the gender of the animal and you don't want babies.  A tank will work for her but a cage with tubes and different levels would be much better for her because then she can climb and play all she wants without getting bored, just make sure she can't open the cage and make sure she has a wheel along with a really good water bottle.

  3. just buy a normal bag of hamster food or some  veg or fruit but not a lot she should be fine in the winter just give her plenty of bedding u can use unscented and non colour toilet roll she will be fine with a nother hamster they may scuable now and then but nothin will come of it but has to be the same s*x unless ur breeding it is best to get tanks because they are escape experts and 10gallon will be big enough aswel hope this helps good luck with ur  new hamster

  4. Put her in a regular hamster cage.  They eat what any other hamsters eat, "hamster food".  do not get her too cold.  don't keep her outside in thewinter.  No she doesn't need a heater.  Her fur makes her hot.

  5. You have GOT to talk to my sister - I will email her  this question! She has owned every kind of hamster/rat/mouse/gerbil known to man and she can definitely help you out!

  6. u can feed dwarf hamsters practically any kind of fruit or veggies. u can also buy a mix of foods for hamsters at ur local pet store  


    in the winter my females were totally fine. just give them extra bedding so if it gets chilly they have more bedding to use as insulation. but if u keep ur house warm and keep ur hamster in a warm room she will be fine and not need extra bedding. but no matter what she wont need a heater, heaters can be quite dangerous.


    she will not need another hamster. hamsters are loners. they enjoy being alone. fights occur when hamsters have to share territory. females usually result in little scratches. males fight to the death. just get one. if u want more than one then u can just keep them in separate cages.

    for cages dont use tanks. they dont have good ventilation. poor ventilation can give any rodent respiratory problems. u can get her a wire cage. just make sure she cant squeeze through the bars and that the bottom of the cage isnt wire. also, dont use all plastic cages either. they can be chewed through, and like the tanks, they provide poor ventilation. but partial plastic cages are the best for dwarf hamsters. u can hook tubes up to it and it can provide good ventalation becuz they have wire. id suggest getting a partial plastic and wire cage.



    the numbered links are items i suggested:

    1. food

    2. bedding

    3. plastic/wire cage

    4. plastic/wire cage

  7. I would recommend you to buy cage instead of fish tank. I believe hamsters would be more happier to climb up the cage bar and hanging there like monkeys. My hamster loves to do monkey swing and is adorable to watch too. I think they might get bored in tank because they couldn't climb. If possible buy the two storey cage with stairs. Hamsters look very happy climbing up and down the stairs. You wouldn't regret it. Believe me.

  8. Cage or tank is personal preference.  Personally, I've had problems with plastic ones like Habitrail as they get chewed too much and overheat easily.  Tanks sometimes limit what you have for them to climb and hide in although those tops that allow both airflow and Habitrail tunnels can get around those limits.  Wire cages are great and the hamster can climb all over them but don't work for individuals that can put Houdini to shame.  My personal vote are the wire cages although I have first hand experience with a hamster escape artist.

    They eat seeds, veggies, fruit, and pellets.  There's a variety of foods available and it's best to offer them a selection with seeds alway available.

    In most homes, room temperature is fine as long as the cage isn't near any drafts.  During the winter if there's a temperature drop then the hamster might go into hibernation but be careful that you don't assume that it's dead just because it isn't responding.  

    Lack of movement or response is not enough to be certain that a hamster is dead. One of my classmates had a hamster die in the winter-no visible breathing, no response to being picked up and poked, ect. Her mom put it in the freezer until the ground thawed enough to bury it. It got forgotten for more than six months. When the mom was cleaning out the freezer she noticed it and threw it away so her daughter wouldn't find out. Three hours later there was a scratching noise coming from the trash bin...the hamster was very much alive. Apparently when it was "dead" it was actually just hibernating.

  9. 1. You can feed the hamsters VitaKraft hamster food. Mazuri blocks made for hamsters are good as well. They provide a great diet for hamsters that give them all the nutritions they need. I don't recommend feeding only Mazuri block because hamsters like variety, so you should feed both Mazuri and VitaKraft. VitaKraft alone is good enough too. If there are sunflower seeds or corn in it, pick most of them out as they are fatty for hamsters.

    2. I wouldn't worry about the hamsters during the winter. I've kept male russian dwarf hamsters through the winter and they were fine. If it gets really cold, move the cage to a warmer room.

    3. Getting one dwarf hamster or two dwarf hamsters is really your choice. If you only keep one, it will be fine. If you get two, make sure the cage is big enough so that they won't fight. Have two wheels, two food dishes, two water bottles, and at least two houses or boxes for them to sleep in. Watch out for fighting and make sure you have an extra cage on hand!

    4. It is really your decision on what kind of cage you want for your hamster.

    I recommend bin cages because they are cheap to make, easy to clean, and provide a lot of room for hamsters.

    What I don't recommened are those plastic tunnel cages as in my experience, they are very hard to clean and break easily.

  10. First of all are not hamPsters are Hamsters.

    The female hamsters are a really great pet I have one right now and she is so nice.

    In any Pet Shop you can buy food for him/her. If not,  You can give her fruit (any fruit, but you have to give her the fruit not so cool) or bread like toast or cereal.

    Yeah, buy it is a really good pet when you buy it you'll notice this.

    It does´nt matter the cold, because they are originally of Russia and there is very cold.

    And for the glass tank is good, the mine lives in a very little house but is better is you buy a big one!!

    Good Luck!!


  11. hamsters eat hamster food, fruits and veggies.  as long as you have a hiding place for her in the cage like a Igloo dome she wont need a heater.  the cage is your preference, i have my hamster in a Critter Habitat cage where she has a wheel and tubes to climb around in.

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