
Some black people get offended?

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I am mixed with black and white but I don't classify myself as only being one race. I've met some black people in the past who got highly offended when I told them that I am not black. Yes I have black in me but I would never classify myself as just being black. I love being mixed and I love both sides of my family and by me just saying that i'm black would be disowning apart of myself. Am I wrong for thinking like this?




  1. I'm half and half as well, and I don't consider myself black, white, or anything, just me! I was raised by a white family (I'm adopted), so I guess I feel like a bit of a coconut. It's up to you how you feel about yourself. There's no right or wrong way.

    Isn't is funny that when you're a mixture, people only want to see the dark bit...

  2. When you say your are not black that is offense because it seems like your disowning who you are.Now the reason you are still seen as black is because of our wonderful government , back during slavery times or around there it was said that if you have 10% black blood in you , your considered black .  

  3. youre not really wrong but the reason some blacks get offended when mixed people say this is

    1. its like your sayin that being all black aint good enough or that we lower than other colors

    2. back in slavery if you had .8% black blood u were considered all black and even today some whites think like that

  4. - I don't think its wrong and respect your wishes however I see things a bit different; I'd probably call you black on impact and will do so until told otherwise; also I don't think someone half black calling themselves black is disowning part of themselves, you're disowning part of yourself if you do not learn/experience/indulge the other culture; you could call yourself mulatto and not care at all about your white side

    For example someone could be half black/Asian call themselves black and still learn about their Asian side while someone else can call themselves Blasian and learn nothing about their Asian side

    That's how I see it but its your choice and you seem serious with yours so I guess stick with it lol

  5. I think you are right: classifying yourself as black would probably indeed be like disowning a part of yourself. Too bad that so many people want to classify themselves or others based on appearances. After all, in this world where people travel all over the world, and even before that, mixes between different people were common.

    I don't think there is anything such as pure race anymore.

  6. It's a free country, technically you can say you are whatever you want to be but to the rest of the world you will just be another black guy and to some people, they are going to let you know what they think you are in harsher words. So there you go.

  7. I am biracial as well. I don't know how old you are but this used to be a major struggle for me.  I mainly classify myself as other when asked on application. You stating that you are not black is like denying that any part of you is black and I think that is why black peole are offended. I usually say that I am black and in no way do I feel that I am disresepcting my white mother's side of the family.   In essence you are black and white and honestly you do not need to explain what you are.   The next time someone asks you just ask "why does it matter?"  

  8. that's good you love both sides of your race but im black and i wouldnt get mad at all if you say that you aren't black, holla

  9. no people should be proud of whatever they are black white etc. im proud to be white but that doesnt mean i wouldnt be proud to be black if i ws black. whatever you are be proud!

  10. who cares what you are..... and im sure thats what those people are thinking... plus to everyone else u r just black

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