I am 17 years old and, after I graduate college, I would like to start my own business. Since I was little, I have had a passion for touring coaches and RVs. I was thinking that, in the future, I would like to start my own RV dealership and, after that, my own touring coach company. But I have a few questions. For the RV dealership: Since I would be selling many expensive RVs, would I buy then sell or would I sell based on a commission (getting a percentage of the profit)? I know there is a large RV dealership a few hours from my house, called the Hitch House, that sells only high end motor homes, between $75-$700, 000. Would they sell based on commission or buy-and-sell? The Touring Coach: How do touring coach companies start? Do they have to take out a loan first to buy the coaches?