
Some call it primitive medicine others alternative medicine? What do you know about treatment for boils/lumps?

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Years ago, I remember boils or lumps being forced to come to a head by using aloe[real plant unprocessed], pepper leaf poultice or brown soap poultice. I know that there are countless others for bringing a boil or lump to a head. Most people go to a doctor, get an antibiotic or whatever and the side effects of the antiobiotic- a chemical drug- initiates a reaction and begins a different chain of events that demand treatment. it is like interfering with the ecosystem. In this locale, doctors do not visit for months and sometimes he comes and goes before the public knows about the visit..Thus I reiterate: what do you know from experience or observing parents/ grandparents about alternative treatments for boils or lumps considering that the modern medicine tratment by a doctor is not easily or often available?What does a boil or lump signify?




  1. apply alcohol daily until it dries up

    your blood needs cleansing

  2. He's right. Sometimes boils can be caused by ingrown hairs and/or clogged pores from deodorants and such. Sometimes they are caused by other types of infections or impurities. But sometimes it maybe caused from a different kind of growth or cyst.

    I know this may sound silly, but bacon fat from raw pork bacon compressed over the boil will bring it to a head. I had a boil inside my inner thigh. I just compressed it in a large gauze bandage, left it on over night, and it came to a full head by the next morning. This was told to me by a close friend, and it worked very well. My Grandmother and Mother also concurred. They also said to take Hot baking soda baths. It also helps a great deal with the pain. Add at least 1 cup of soda to a hot bath, as hot as you can stand it. Don't scald yourself. But the hotter the better. This is good for you even if you don't have a boil problem. It is the home version of a mineral bath. A nice spa treatment you can do yourself. I add 2 cups of soda to my baths. It makes your skin feel good, and it will make you feel good too. It doesn't have to be so hot though.

    Please know; if the boil does not come to a head after a period of time (a few days), or if it keeps reoccurring, it maybe some type of cyst or growth and not to be taken lightly. You should seek medical advise whenever necessary.  

    Last year I had to have two cysts removed, one from my breast, and the other from my arm. One of them was cancerous, and the other was not. And I bet the cancerous one isn't the one you think... it was the one on my arm.

    Hope this helps.

    Best regards and God bless.

    Cynthia Miller

    Health International & Safe Haven Health Community

    Join us at Safe Haven Health Community at Yahoo Groups listed under: Health > Alternative Medicine

  3. Boils are caused by ingrown hairs, splinters, or plugged up sweat holes (caused by aluminum from anti-perspirants).  

    Sometimes you can just leave it alone a couple of weeks and then pop it.

  4. boils and lumps are two different symptoms. one of the reasons for boils is eating too much of sweet during summer. how ever if they persist take  'neem' extract. if lumps and boils don't burst open visit this site

    to make poultice of house hold items

  5. For a cure boil a glass bottle in water then take it out and run the spout under cold water so that you don't burn yourself then put the open end over the boil and as bottle cools off it will pull the pus and junk out of the sore  it is a lot less pain full than squeezing it

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