
Some common stereotypes?

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I'm doing a paper about different stereotypes. Can you PLEASE write down as many stereotypes as you can think of?


-All girls are supposed to play with dolls instead of cars when they are little.

-All black people are uneducated.

-ALL smart kids do is study study study.




  1. the one i hate the most is when poeple assume that when one guy walkin down the road cant drive hes a bum. F*** that i have a car and license but its suspended and nobody lese would walk the walk i do. their cowards.

  2. all black people love fried chicken, watermelon and kool-aid

  3. A stereotype in my country (it's not an occidental country): The Occidentals donn't care for their family (parents, brothers, sisters, uncle, aunt, grand-parents, etc.).

  4. People from the South don't wear shoes.

  5. -Blondes are dumb.

    -The lighter you are, the smarter you are.

    -All Mexicans live in over-populated homes

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