
Some cramping and spotting at 12 weeks, is it serious enough to visit the ER or urgent care? Read details plz?

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I have been having cramps for the past few days that are worse than what I've had the whole time, but not excruciating. I asked my mom and friends and they all said it was normal. So just now I went to the bathroom and saw some brown blood on my panties and some when I wiped too (sorry for tmi but I want to explain everything). I wouldn't exactly say it was spotting, almost too much to be just spotting. Anyway, I put on a maxi pad and have had it on for like 20 minutes now and there is nothing else on it yet. Also, as I was thinking back I realized that for the past couple of weeks all my usual symptoms I had (nausea, sore b*****s, etc) had disappeared suddenly, which I dismissed also because everyone says those symptoms usually go away around 12 weeks anyway. But now after reading on the internet and putting all these things together, I'm starting to worry a bit. My first doctor's appointment is Tuesday but I can't get in any earlier because of the holiday. So if there was something wrong, my only choice is the ER. I guess I'm asking any women who have been pregnant if they think it is serious enough to make a visit. I don't want to go if it's not anything after all.

Oh, I forgot to add that I had some spotting at around 5 or 6 weeks also. I don't know if that is important. It wasn't as much blood as this.




  1. It could be caused from s*x ....that has happened to me.  I would call the doctors office now and ask them what they think you should do.  The doctor might squeeze you in becuz of this but if he/she doesnt then ask if they think you should go to ER or Urgent Care.   Usually a bit of brownish discharge or even light pinkish can be normal....if it turn bright red go with out calling.   If at any time you are worried call your doctor thats what they are there for and they are used ot having to squeeze in a quick appointment especially if it is OBGYN doc.  Good Luck and I am sure you are your doctor though!

    ADD:  if they are closed there should be an oncall doctor or nurse you can speak to....just tell them you are spotting and need to speak with someone !

  2. First off you need a good ob doctor. Second you should not assume it is normal till you are told it is normal by a medical professional. Get an appointment right away and when you make it let them know what is happen so they might be able to get you in faster. If you are really worried and don't want to wait go strait to the er. Never take cramping and blood lightly! I hope everything will be fine and good luck!

  3. I've had spotting this pregnancy too. I have spottings after sexual intercourse and even when I didn't have sexual intercourse. It worried me too. I consulted my OB, she said it was fine as long as it was not bleeding. A miscarriage usually happens really fast so by now you would be bleeding heavily already. So I wouldn't worry about that if I was you. My OB also mention it's very common to spot during early pregnancy or throughout pregnancy because the cervix is so sensitive. Just make sure it's not accompany by any severe pain and heavy bleeding.

  4. Even if your doc can't see you today, they can still advise you.  I suggest you call the doctor's office and speak with a nurse.  Explain your symptoms and ask what you should do.  It could be because of the s*x, but since you're having cramping, too, I would err on the side of caution.

    Call the doc's office.

  5. I would call your doctor and get their opinion. It is probably from s*x, but I wouldn't take any chances.  

  6. Call your ob/gyn right away and they will tell you what to do. They always have somebody in the office on call. Or go to ER and get medical help and all questions solved!!!Good luck!

  7. It's normal to have spotting and cramps once there is no blood clots your fine:) Last year I had one string of blood clot very small but that was all it took I had a miscarraige.  But now I am preg after a year and everthing is fine.  So don't get too worried and if you do go to the ER I say it's a waste of time I was there from 9am to 9pm to hear it was a miscarraige.  And they cannot do anything for that!

    PS: You will have back cramps and cramping ever 5 minutes my lasted all day when I went to the ER.  Just get rest and don't lift anything take it easy till your appointment:)

  8. it could be normal and it could not be i would go to the er if you notice it gets worse but if not i say wait for your doctors appt ive known many women to just spot and the doctor tell them its normal but if its a lot and your cramping really bad?? maybe not

    good luck hope its nothing bad

  9. Sometimes bleeding in pregnancy is not a threat to the baby but a doctor needs to be the one to determine that.  If you can't see your OB, go to the ER.  Hopefully it will be nothing major.  I had a similar experience in my last pregnancy, brown blood at 12 weeks and went to the ER on my doctor's orders.  The ultrasound at the hospital showed my little baby doing squats and moving around like crazy.  My doctor determine shortly after that I had low lying placenta and I was put on pelvic rest (no s*x).  Go to the ER and most likely your fears will be relieved.  

  10. listen sweetheart, you really need to go to the er and let the doc check you out. because you may never know whats going on. it may be something serious, and don't put off for tomorrow when it can be done today. go to the er honey.good luck and god bless!

  11. go to the er.. dont wait.  

  12. if you have had s*x, it could be from that. it happened to me. i would go to the doctor just for peace of mind.

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