
Some dancers can make fun of people who are MR?Don't you think this is a ignorant world to live in?

by  |  earlier

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even her right here she makes fun of them too

here her profile;_ylt=Ag8_758qBWpECbET5Hoz7x2RxQt.;_ylv=3?show=WUVYqftRaa

Don't befriend her, she ignorant i hate normal people like her




  1. Youre a bully :o(

  2. It's not just dancers who make fun of the MR so don't stereotype because then how can you say you're better than those of us who do from time to time make fun of the MR? Think about it. And to tell everyone not to befriend someone is low too, do you even know this girl? I looked at her answer and it is well thought and true. Just because you're insecure about not being "normal" doesn't mean you can take it out on someone else. But who is to say you aren't normal to begin with, to someone you're normal and to others you're not, it's part of life and something to accept.

  3. no! of course not! sure there's going to be drama, but don't go putting it out that we shouldn't befriend her! thats not right, and basically, now you're bashing her. don't do that ever again.

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