
Some dude called my house twice.?

by  |  earlier

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Okay this dude called my house a few months ago and my sister said she picked up the phone and a few seconds there was heavy breathing and then he asked what are you doing? She freaked out and hung up and then at like 12am today he phoned again and did the same thing. This is freaking us out a lot, and when he phones his phone number comes up as Private Name/Private Number. Any idea's what to do. Were going to tell our parents tommarow but right now were extreamly freaked out.




  1. I think yall should change your number.

  2. *69 will call them back. I think *59 is call trace. The phone company will make a deliberate record and report it to the police if they ask for it even if they block it. Tell your parents and the police.  

  3. if you tell your parents they can call the police and most likely have the number tracked.

    do it asap. the longer you wait the harder it will be and you could be put in a very dangerous situation.

  4. Don't worry, probably just some creepy guy trying to scare you.

    I used to do this to one of my friends.

    Maybe you can trace him calls? Call the police maybe.

  5. you should of dialed *69 if you didn't have caller id

    then call the number again and again.

    then if the person scares you again,

    call the police and show them the number and tell them that this person can be a threat to your family

  6. just a prank caller

    not much to worry about

    but still lock all doors

    check all windows

    sit in a spot (with your sister) where you are allowed to see everything in front of you and there is no way someone could come up behind you

    have a huge knife in one hand and a sharp long one in the other lol

    have your sister do the same lol

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