
Some enchanted evening you're going to meet your soulmate,?

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the perfect person who will meet all your needs and fulfill all your dreams. Right? Wrong?




  1. u have to get to know that person first, no such thing as love at first sight or someone who becomes your other half overnight, which means u have to out and meet people

  2. I met a soulmate as a child. And lost him as an adult. From my experience with him, I learned that no soulmate is going to meet all your needs and fulfill all your dreams. They have a right to be who they are. They have a right for their own journey to unfold. And you have to let them go out of love when their journey takes them on another path.

    Meeting a soulmate is no promise things will work out. However, I believe we have more than one soulmate. Some enchanted evening we shall meet again....the same energy within a different person I can walk with in this lifetime.

  3. Depends on what you mean by soulmate.

    I honestly don't believe in it. but i believe that there is someone that can put a better relationship than anyone- I mean i don't believe in the supernatural term of soulmate, but i believe that there can be something like special bond between 2 people that can really make itself distinct/special/unique[dont know the right word].

    But that doesn't really mean that you'll be definitely together

  4. I truly encountered a real angel in a 'waking dream'......and that spiritual being sent love into me like no earthly kind of was DIVINE LOVE being given to me as a gift.....I only had that 'dream' ONCE in my life.....but I can say it must have been, if any evening can be.........enchanting. But it was only for a very! short time that the angel embraced me with his IMMENSE and divine love. It must have been a 'taste' of heaven.

  5. I did.  I remember looking at the sky one night and just telling the stars that I was ready, just lead me to him.  I met him two evenings later outdoors and the sunset was unbelieveable.  Of course it took me at least four months to realize it....

  6. Sorry, soulmates don't exist.

    There are currently 6.7 billion people in the world. If you could meet one of them every second, 24 hours a day for ten years, you would still only ever meet less than 5% of them.  Excluding all of those who are the wrong gender, age, orientation and nationality alone narrows the field quite a bit. Then, you need to locate this person who is "somewhere" in the 150 million km² of land on earth. That's assuming they're even still alive. A couple hundred billion people have already died; what if your "soulmate" lived at another time in history, or hasn't been born yet? Do you really think it's possible to overcome those odds?

    Almost everyone who gets married thinks they've found "the perfect person," but the statistics say otherwise.  I've witnessed far too many "soulmates" get married then divorced a decade later.  Those focusing on a "perfect match" risk staying single forever. "Good enough" is good enough.  If you only find someone who is a "good" match, you should consider yourself lucky. Many people never even accomplish THAT much.

  7. Maybe, probably not if we look at probability. It would be nice though.

  8. Hopeful, yet, doubtful

  9. Right... I already found him. I was never a believer of these things, but it happened to me and now I am :)

    He's perfect for me!

  10. I definitely believe in this possibility.  In contrast though, I also believe that one person may not be able to fulfill all your needs and dreams.  This is how and why I believe people fall in love many times or with many people.  Different people serve a different purpose in our lives.  I think it would be absolutely wonderful to find one person who is that soulmate that fills our mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical needs.  I think what they say is..... "Never say never, because you never know when never will come."

    Thanks for reading!

  11. Isn't that a song from 'South Pacific'?

    "You may hear her laughing across a crowd".

    Real or imaginary, it is a beautiful notion.

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