
Some friends and I got into a conversation about things we belived when we we're younger...?

by  |  earlier

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It turned out most of our misconceptions(not including Santa and the Easter Bunny) had to do with s*x and the opposite sexs' workings. Does this mean that we have to be more informative about the human anatomy and open to talk more about s*x with kids?

If you're looking for examples, I don't want to embarrass anyone with some of our specific misconceptions but one I use to always hear was being able to get pregnant if you gave a guy oral pleasure and you swallowed, you could get pregnant.




  1. yes there are sooo many teen pregnancies. my old high school built an additional nursery for the students babies because the first one was overflowing.

  2. I agree we should be more open with our children about things...

  3. When i was little i heard that kissing would get you pregnant and i belived it:/, but as you say we should be more open with our children because they dont no what there doing, if a child goes out and has s*x, and yes it happens, its because they dont no what it is they hear about it and wanna try it, thats why parents need to sit down and talk to thier children about everything s*x and the affects of aids and other STDs, drugs and there effecs, if parents are more open i belive children would do less bad things.

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