
Some geographers consider the dividing line between Europe and Asia to be the ________.?

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a. Volga River

b. Ural Mountains

c. Central Siberian Plain




  1. ural mountains.

  2. b

  3. b. Ural Mountains.

  4. B. Ural Mountains

  5. What grade are you in?because you must be doing EH(European History)

    But It is the Ural Mountains. Here's some back ground information.

    Being the cradle of Western culture, Europe, comprising the western most part of the continent of Eurasia, lying towards Asia’s west, is the second-smallest continent on the planet. Given below are some more fascinating facts about Europe.

    The Black Sea along with the waterways that connect the Black Sea with the Mediterranean along with the Caucasus Mountains form the boundary in the southeast of Europe, the Mediterranean Sea lies on its south, the Atlantic Ocean on its west, and the Arctic Ocean on its north. In the east, the Caspian Sea, the Ural River, and the Ural Mountains separate Europe from Asia.

  6. the Ural mts.

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