There is this girl, let's call her Jane. Jane bullied me so bad I had to drop out of school and now I am getting my GED. I just made a new screen name today and uploaded my buddylist and on my old screen name she had me blocked. On my new buddylist, it showed her online so I wanted to check her AIM info out.
The info said "add my new s/n some b*Tch deleted my friends.... C.B. IS A FAT C*NT, YOU ARE LIKE 17 GROW UP and be MATURE". I added the other screen name and the info said "F*CK YOU FAT HOE"
This is obviously going towards me because she thinks I did it. But I honestly didn't how do I stand up to her and let her know it wasn't me? I haven't even confronted her about the bullying thing.
Whenever I say I didn't do something, she calls me a liar because like five years ago in middle school I would lie to her all the time so she would leave me alone.