
Some girl accused me of getting on her AIM and deleting her friends....?

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There is this girl, let's call her Jane. Jane bullied me so bad I had to drop out of school and now I am getting my GED. I just made a new screen name today and uploaded my buddylist and on my old screen name she had me blocked. On my new buddylist, it showed her online so I wanted to check her AIM info out.

The info said "add my new s/n some b*Tch deleted my friends.... C.B. IS A FAT C*NT, YOU ARE LIKE 17 GROW UP and be MATURE". I added the other screen name and the info said "F*CK YOU FAT HOE"

This is obviously going towards me because she thinks I did it. But I honestly didn't how do I stand up to her and let her know it wasn't me? I haven't even confronted her about the bullying thing.

Whenever I say I didn't do something, she calls me a liar because like five years ago in middle school I would lie to her all the time so she would leave me alone.




  1. Tell her it wasn't you.

    Its her word against yours, and YOU know the truth.

    If you don't deal with her in school, you shouldn't in the 'real' world either.

    She doesn't matter, she's scum.

    She's a bully, and if people know that, they're more likely to believe you about the story.

    Don't care what she thinks, or says. Don't deal with her.

  2. I was in the same situation and honestly it's b*****s like that who's self esteems are low because they get a kick out of getting a rise out of you, don't let her get to you and focus on next school year. I had to transfer my senior year too because of some stupid b*****s, just let it go and remember that you are the better person.

  3. I'm tempted to say, "Oh, just ignore her", but since you seem to have a lot of the same friends, that's not going to be practical.

    It's time to bring in the big guns -- your parents.  Your parents need to contact HER parents, explain CALMLY what is happening, and then casually mention that what their daughter is doing is engaging in cyberbullying and libel, and that if she continues, your family is going to be forced to take legal action to force her to cease and desist. If you have a lawyer friend, it might be worth asking him to write a letter to her parents, quoting what you found on AIM, and simply point out that legal action can and will be taken if it continues.

    You've left school, and still this girl is making your life miserable.  Try to stay away from her -- you are working on your GED, you will soon have a new set of friends, and hopefully, you can just forget about this girl forever.  Don't engage her on AIM, don't mention her at all on any social networking site, and frankly -- pretend she has just disappeared.  She is a petty, obsessive girl and has chosen you to take out her teenage frustrations.  Stop giving her fuel.  

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