There is this girl, let's call her Jane. Jane bullied me so bad I had to drop out of school and now I am getting my GED. I just made a new screen name today and uploaded my buddylist and on my old screen name she had me blocked. On my new buddylist, it showed her online so I wanted to check her AIM info out.
The info said "add my new s/n some b*Tch deleted my friends.... C.B. IS A FAT C*NT, YOU ARE LIKE 17 GROW UP and be MATURE". I added the other screen name and the info said "F*CK YOU FAT HOE!
My sister and I were Ichatting and I told her about it and now she's mad. She wrote this and wants to send this to her, is it okay? Or would it start trouble:
You have been nothing but trouble to my sister. She left high school to get away from you and that other girl do you honestly think that she would now after four months get on your AIM? Courtney has left both of you alone, it's been you and Rylen that start with her and she ignores it. Rylen started to play games with Courtney again and the cops talked to her. Now the same thing is going to happen to you. What don't you get about leave Courtney alone? She wants nothing to do with you guys..."
What do you think she should write?