
Some good craft ideas for a 6-year-old boy.?

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This summer i am babysitting a 6 year old boy, and I am looking for some crafts. He likes cars and trucks and being outside. He has ADHD so he doesn't have a very long attention span, but I would like some links to specific crafts, or craft ideas.




  1. go on this link it has tons of great stuff..........

  2. Have him build all kinds of scenes, ramps, driving courses, structures, etc. for his cars --just from the natural materials he finds outdoors or from things around the house.  He can also make things from various '"clays" he makes or buys, then use them in for those things (if the items are made with air-dry clays, they'll need to be sealed** to make them waterproof... polymer clays won't need that).

    **seal with a couple coats of permanent white glue (like

    Elmer's Glue All), thinned 3-4 with water ---it will dry clear... or use a polyurethane (usually used for sealing bare wood)

    Lots of cool things can be done with water too... from sculpting with mud to making lakes and waterways for boats, to just pouring water through pipes and from different cups and other vessels, etc.

    Follow his lead if you see something that seems to interest him, and just think of other things that would be similar or that use the same materials, etc.

    Good luck!

    Diane B.

  3. Does he like painting? You could use washable paints and get some wood items (i.e trucks, cars, birdhouses) and let him decorate it any way he sees fit.  Another option is painting on rocks.

    You could decorate the clay flower pots and then plant some flowers or herbs.

    Another suggestion would be to go onto Michaels or any craft store website they usually have some ideas.

  4. Go 2 google and try then but sorry i cant think of  any fr0m when i was 6

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