
Some good scary stories to tell?

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I'm going camping this weekend and want to scare some of my friends and etc.,with some scary stories.Nothing gruesome though.Stories like Bloody Mary are pretty scary,those are the kind I would like to tell.Only I would like some sort of short(I have to remember them for this weekend lol) scary stories.Any good non-gruesome scary stories?Thanks y'all :).

Also,I wouldn't really like to use difficult ones to understand like "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe(as much as I love that story),because none of my friends would understand words like "Pallas" and "Quoff".




  1. Sometimes the best scary stories are the ones you make up yourself.  But you can always try the Carolina Swamp Girl.

    Scary stories that always hit the spot are anything from the Old South around the time of the Civil War.  Its just kinda creepy cause THEY REALLY HAPPENED....

  2. tell them that u have already died and you took over someone elses body and at night u return to ur body and u suck the blood of innocent children for the enjoyment, then u feed ur power off of the nightmares that u make mortals have.

    good luck

    at night

  3. Well.. I say you should google "scary stories" or "scary camp stories" and see what you can find.

    Its very good for things like this. Ahh I love google.

    Also.. if you want to tell good stories that are not scary I suggest telling the tale of the seven samurai. My councelor told me that story when I was at camp and I will never forget it. It was amazing. I suggest googling that, memorizing it and trying to tell it the best that you can.

  4. One time I was in the restroom and then I looked down the Toilet and I saw Brown stuff.

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