
Some good things to say as I take people to their table?

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I'm a hostess as a restaurant and I've noticed that after I ask the customer how they are doing and they answer with one word then it gets to be awkward silence. What are some things I can say to customers to make it not so awkward? Plus I just want a change from a simple "how are you doing today?"..."that's good" type of thing.





  1. Just be like, "How is everyone doing today"...and then hurry and cut them off by saying, "may i start you guys off with a drink or any appetizers?"

  2. Weather! That's always makes for good small talk. I'm a receptionist so I know how you feel. If it's a hot day, just be like, "So is it scorching hot out there?" and they will probably say, "Oh yeah...It feels so good in here." Or something like that...and you can say, "Yah, I'm so glad to be in doors!"  

  3. just say welcome to wherever and how are you doing and say something like man its crowded and juz b funny lolz but dont do anything overboard

  4. Try "Oh, that wasn't me! The cooks changed the cabbage water."

  5. obviously be very cheery, i say talk about the weather.  that's always a good convo!

  6. I would try asking questions which require more than one word answers, to try to get them vested in the conversation.

    Lie, if you have to.  For example...

    How is the weather at where you drove here from?  I heard there was a freak thunderstorm somewhere, do you know where it was?

    Was the traffic ok for you tonight?  A friend of mine just called and said that she was stopped in the middle of a road waiting for a chicken and her chicklings to cross the street.  I know what youre thinking...and the hen said that she was just trying to teach her babies how to stop traffic.

    Just make stuff up as you go along.  Pretend you have a case of the ridiculous talkies, but just cater it to the restaurant.  For example, if its pretty high class...leave it be...they arent paying you for conversation.  Its is just...I dont know...applebees...try the above.  Basically, if you can get people to laugh, you'll be wishing you had just said..."How are you doing today?" and left it at "fine."

    Also...instead of replying.."Thats great!", try something like..."Good.  Im really glad to hear you say that!  How can I get you to upgrade your answer to 'wonderful'?  

    You know?...ask them more questions, and be sincere.  Also, and this always works...find something, ANYTHING, that you can compliment them on.  Wow...those jeans look just like a pair I used to have.  They were my favorite and the dryer ate them up one day!

  7. When I go to a restaurant, the less a hostess says to me the better. Not to be rude, but we just want to be escorted to the table in polite silence.

  8. When people asked me how I was when I waited tables, I would say "Fabulous!" with a huge smile and they ALWAYS loved that!  You could ask how it is outside or "are they having a good day today?  No?  Well, we'll try to make it better".    It's nice that you're thinking about the customer though, people can be very mundane and you're trying to make an effort.

  9. I was a hostess for a five-star & the protocol was to greet them with a smile, ask if they had reservations, then just walk them to the table, lie their menus open on the table in front of them after they're comfortably seated, smile & say "enjoy your evening"- thats it... unless they ask you for add'l accomodations its all they expect from you so dont feel the need to make more conversation-

  10. "My sir, you are certainly well hung"

  11. i dont really think u need to communicate with the customers after that, because if they just reply with one word, they obvi dont want to start a conv .. :P

    its not really awkward cuz their with their family or companion so silence is good.

  12. Compliment them. Just be like,"That shirt is very pretty, ma'am." You might just earn yourself a tip.

  13. After you said that just say that you hope they will enjoy their meal and have a pleasent evening. You don't need to say more than that.

  14. weather; hot, cold,rainy.....

    traffic; if it is busy/vacation time

  15. Tell your name, and just have friendly conversation, as in, if you are located in a tourist area, ask if they have visited all the sights and attractions. If they are locals, talk about that upcomming summer parade. Just act friendly, but not too pushy.... it's just like they are guests in your house. And have lots of fun!

  16. when people go to a restaurant they don't expect to have much conversation with the hostess, they go there just for the food and drinks. I think you should  limit yourself just to the things you are supposed to say and ask!

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