
Some good things to stay on an interview?

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I'm 21 male, going for an interview soon with a company that works with autistic kids.

What are some good things to say?




  1. Tell them that you are a hard worker, will do your best to help out for any type of work they want you to do with autistic kids, and any prior experience you had with autistic kids if you had any.

  2. Do you have any experience with autistic people?  A relative or a friend with autism?  Do you have any experience working with this population, ie: a social service or community agency?  Any college courses related to special education or developmental psychology, or any plans to major in those fields?  Have you ever worked with children in a school or camp setting?  Any of these things would be a plus.

  3. Just like any other job interview, be honest and be yourself.

  4. um good things to say about what? start with its a lovely day outside.  i like working with autistic children because they see things from a simplified view, tell them you are a patient, consistent hard worker

  5. i am a hard worker

    i feel i can make a difference

    i love kids

    i am loyal

  6. tell them that your "ambitius" to learn new things, you love working with children, and that you like knowing that you made a differenc in somones life even if its the smalest thing in the wrld.

  7. Some of the good things you should mention are that you love to work with kids, you are very dedicated to you are very dedicated to your work, just tell them the truth about how much you really want the job!

  8. this is the Special Ed section, not job hunting or interviewing skills

    why would you post your question in the Special Ed section?

  9. For any job, be ready with a story that connects you to the specific job -- why you have a passion for it.

    A sibling or friend with a disability?

    Volunteer activity that made you feel great?

    The interviewer will ask quesitons like... "Tell me about a tough situation you have been in, and how you handled it."  This is your chance to describe a time when you were responsible for something important, that wasn't going as planned.  How you paused to gather your thoughts, tried a new approch, and suceeded.

    Have examples of working with as part of a team, and leading a team.

    Use the word 'partnership' in describing the relationship between the parents and caregivers.

    Good luck!

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