
Some guy hit my car...?

by  |  earlier

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i was in the parking lot at work..the road was iced due to snow. he hit his brakes and slide right into me pushing me about 5 feet. he admitted this which was obvious. the cops were called and no tickets were given since it was on private property. i have no insurance due to my husbands illness. his insurance co. is saying i am in the blame (WHATEVER). anyway they are trying to bully me. i have never been in this situation b4 and need advise! any help?




  1. Contact a lawyer, there are plenty of pro bono lawyers out there.  On the other hand you should have insurance because if you ever do hit someone than that other person would be screwed, so imagine how you are filling right now, that is exactly how someone else might feel in the future, and the other person had insurance.

    Contact a lawyer and get insurance.

  2. You don't even need to talk to his ins. comp. Get an estimate on repairs and car rental and any other out of pocket expenses because of this. Give it to the guy who hit u and tell him to give it to his ins comp. If you hear nothing with in 10 days, sue him in small claims court. The ins. comp will be forced to pay. Note: before u sue him, u have to write him a letter of demand for repairs and expenses.  It's easy

  3. Always know that it is illegal for an insurance agency to deny a claim when they haven't investigated the event or if the evidence points to a person under their liability and deny a claim to the person who was injured or had their vehicle receive any damage.

    When doing this, it is best to hire an attorney to fight along side you and present your case. Hiring one will allow a better chance of success in getting what you are owed since most attorneys are trained to deal with automotive cases. They will provide the best question and answers when it comes to all that legal aspects of the case. Take note though, that you will have to pay for their services from the money that you are rewarded from the case.

  4. If you have no insurance on your vehicle then in many states you are automatically at fault since you had no reason to be operating that car.  If this isn't the situation then please add details.

  5. that happened to my brother a few weeks ago except he was the one who slid into the other person. if he was the one who slid into you it was his fault.

  6. You may be screwed for having no insurance.  Seriously, if you had been at fault in this accident, would you have been able to pay for it?  

    Why is it fair for someone else to have to pay for someone who would be unwilling or unable to do the same for them.

  7. did you file an accident report? do the police have an accident report on file? is there security cams in the parking lot? was it a shopping center or is the parking lot owned by your employer (like motorola or intel). always file an accident report even if its on privite land,  check the police report to see what the officer there said, ask who ever owns the parking lot io see the video if there are cameras. get all your proof that i wasn't your fault and file in small claims court

  8. burn that guys house down :}

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