
Some help please?

by Guest57068  |  earlier

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So i came up with an extra credit project for my english class and shared the idea with my teacher. I told her that the project can count as maybe a test grade. You would give an oral presentation on someone or something that has inspired you and made a big impact on you life. She told me to type up a rubric for it so she can hand it out to the class but i dont know what to say in it.




  1. Well, you'd want to give guidelines on what is expected.  If it is to count as a test grade, you wouldn't expect to just stand up and say something "off the cuff" without any preparation and get as much credit as someone who did a lot of research and planned a speech out on paper first and had several audio-visual aids to go with the presentation.  In fact, I'd expect some serious work to go into it if it were to count as a test grade, but you'd need to clearly explain the type of work that is expected in return for the points.

    Some things to consider:

    How long should the presentation be?  (minimum and maximum times)

    How many (if any) audio-visual aids (posters, power point slides, pictures, etc.) are required?  

    Should a paper be required to go with the presentation?  If so, how long should it be (minimum and maximum lengths)?  Should it be typed?  Certain size type fonts used (to prevent the wise guys from using huge 72-point text to type just a few words to fill up several pages)?  Are there certain questions that should be answered in the presentation?  Will grammar, spelling and such count or are the ideas the main concern?

    Should the presenter be required to dress up for the presentation?  Will the presentation have to have references or resources, or is it to be totally based on the opinions and life-experience of the presenter?

    How will the presentation be graded?  How will a student know if his presentation is good enough to earn all of the possible points?  (Or know that his presentation just won't cut it enough to get any of the points?)

    Who will grade the presentation?  What will the other students do during the presentation?  (Will there be some way to keep them focused, such as a quiz on the presentation, or the chance to evaluate each presentation?)  

    Hope this helps...

  2. Google "free rubrics" and you'll find a lot of great ideas!
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