
Some hippie told me Global Warming will kill us all right before a huge rock slams into the Earth?

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I'm digging a bunker man. This world is crazy.




  1. yaa you shouldnt trust hippies

  2. Well if a hippy said it, it must be true.

  3. i agree with this warming is increasing to rates unimaginable...well as u see the more the global warming the hotter this earth is gonna get, as carbon di oxide traps heat...and well eventually its gonna get so hot that it would be impossible for us to live...athough ofcourse we can find sumeting to build up the ozone layer to lower our uses of appliances or find another fuel that does not create so much carbon dioxide...well we all gonna die before a huge rock slams to earth...BLES-SED!

  4. Why would you listen to a hippie?

  5. its kinda true. if global warming continues like this the world will die in  i dont know how many years but the whole meteor thing cant happen with todays and tomorrows technology.

    that hippie is a freak

  6. End of the world in 5 minutes, details on the 12:00 news tomorrow.

  7. he was right man, dig that bunker deep.

    haha :)

  8. Tell him to lay off the LSD.

  9. He needs to stop taking so many drugs!

  10. Woah- like, far out man....

  11. hippies generally have no scientific classes in their education background, so why would you trust someone like that.

  12. Al Gore is not a hippie!

  13. If you believe him, I have a bridge in New York to sell, you might be interested.

  14. Now if a hippie said it, it is probably not true but if Hillery said it , it is defiantly a lie.

  15. Yeah... almost kill all of us...

    Extinction...Pollution... Rising of Sea-Level...Area of land become less and less.. so where are we going to live ? In the ocean ? We all gotta die!

  16. was he on crack?

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