
Some info bout Orange Weavers?

by  |  earlier

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For the first time of my life this year i decide to breed Orange Weavers & Gouldian Finches , i found some usefull info bout Gouldian Finches but on Weavers i couldn't find as much as i needed, anyone can give me some info pls..






  1. All Weavers need to be kept as a group of at least 2 pairs for any chance of breeding success.also at breeding times they become very aggressive to other birds,

    Make sure that you buy your pairs when they have come into breeding colours,as when in the molt the male and female resemble each other.

    A good diet is essential universal food with plenty of seeding grasses if you can get them  Wheat heads(you will need to plant the grain to get these.

    A plenty-full supply of insects or canary rearing food is needed,soaked sprouting seed and small quantities of fresh greens,

    As always luck.

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