
Some issue with work hours?

by  |  earlier

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hi i work at payless in newyork and iam hired as a part-timer. my question is that as a part-timer how my hours can i work in a day becuase i sometimes work more then 10 hrs in a day and and the end of the week i come around 30-39 hrs i asked my manager when do i get overtime he says after 40 hrs but my freind says as a part timer you first of all cant work more then 8hrs in a day and not more then 29-34 hrs in a week so can someone clear this out for me, becuase this store is small but still counts as a part of a huge corp. i think the manager thinks this as his own store and makes up the payroll according to his own rules. idk helppp




  1. Part-time hours are calculated over a week, not by the day, and anything less than 40 hours is part-time (including 39 hours).  If you work 10 hours in one day, there aren't any laws against that.

  2. I think your friend is right. Here in CA part time is considered only up to 32 hours a week and the part-time employees that work in my office only work 6 hours a day. Anything over 8 hours needs to be paid at overtime.

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