
Some jerk tried to trip me on the bus today. What should i do?

by Guest62823  |  earlier

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I already like gave him a piace of my mind and he didnt do anything. Its funny because im like 2 feet taller than this person.




  1. To late to do anything...

  2. Are you still on the bus with him? If not, it's a little late to do anything.

  3. Kick him in the ankle if he stick his foot out again.

  4. i don't condone violence but its clear this person is trying to hurt u so u should do what any warm blooded american would do........Tell or if that doesn't work kick his ***

  5. Just ignore him. If you fight back who knows what the conflict might erupt into? Maybe he did it on purpose cus he has a gang waiting. So watch out.

  6. Its too late now, but next time just pretend that you didn't really trip. If you are that much bigger than him, maybe a word or two with him will scare him off.

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