
Some kid i dont even know?

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What should i do i have him for homeroom

and he likes me but i dont wanna be mean about

it Ugh im confused though what should i do?

His friend

Keeps asking me everyday!!!!!

Ugh its really annoying please any ideas what can i do too make them stop besides saying it really mean i dont wanna be mean?




  1. just tell him you just wana be frineds or something.

  2. Tell him you are not interested in him in that way. Explain that by his insistence of the matter he is pushing you away, and you wont want him around at all if he continues.

  3. Tell him you have a boyfriend already, but being his friend is all your interested in at this time.

  4. That's what happens when you're a pretty girl...the boys like you. My 13 year old daughter goes through the same thing daily(the same with my 17 year old, she just knows how to handle it better since she is older)...all you can do is be nice and Ignore him if you don't like them back...that's what I tell Tay...she gets sick of it too...but eventually they (he) will get the hint that you are not interested and leave you alone...if it gets out-of-hand and he KEEPS bothering you tell the Teacher or go to your Counselor and have them put a stop to it.~~Aloha and Good Luck~~

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