
Some kind of physiological problem PLEASE pLEASE PLEASE help!

by  |  earlier

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okay whenever i get to worrying or stressing out my hands and my feet get sweaty i feel as if i could pass out and the thing is i can't control my worrying~....what should i do like right now i feel like i could bust out crying due to the stress its putting on me to not be able to control my mind~

ps...i know its not being pregnant because i was having this before..




  1. if you smoke..smoke. thats the only thing that keeps me from having them...find something to do and do it...if you keep your mind off your worrys then you prolly won't worry..if your pregnant i suggest drawing or something not ver strenious.

  2. You are having a panic attack. Don't worry...the more you scare yourself the worse it will get. They can't kill you or hurt you, it just makes you feel crazy and out of control. I would look it up online and visit some anxiety websites to show you what sort of coping mechanisms you can use to overcome them. You are NORMAL....this is a very normal response when you are having stress.  

  3. hi friend, it is anxiety disorder/panic attack.  I have that before and the feeling is worst than you.  I have fast heart beat together with breathless until I can't walk and can't use phone to call for help.  After seeing for a Psychologist for months, I felt better but not totally recover yet.  Some way to help you:

    1.  Think of good things 30 mins before you sleep.

    2.  Give yourself sometimes, do those thing that can make you relax, eg.  meet up with friends, chatting over the phone, exercise.

    3.  Take deep breath, hold for 3 second and slowing breath out, do it for one mins or more until you feel relax, no stressing.

    4.  Remember, you are not the only one suffer from this disorder.

    5.  You can consider see a Counsellor or Psychologist.


  4. I agree, sounds like an anxiety attack.  

  5. You're turning into a nervous wreck...

    spots, sweating. feels like something sitting on your chest, does it feel like you're wearing a hat....

    Panic Attacks....

    Someone said it before...and it works...

    Benadryl to suppress the Histamines...

    a nice warm shower and then run around naked...

    ....and a few vodkas will help..

    free yourself from tight fitting clothing...

    get your guy under the covers and devour him...

    if that doesn't work ...

    probably Ativan or Alprazolam will help....that's the long term plan but I imagine you're seeking relief now......

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