
Some mails does not identify as spam mail in my group.How to identify them and stop them?

by  |  earlier

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Im getting a spam mails that does not identify as spam mail.

Can you pls suggest me how to stop these spams in my group.




  1. The Yahoo spam filters do not always catch spam.  

    Spammers do join groups just for the purpose of spamming.  You can ban them when this happens.

    When a spam message is posted on your group site, it will show who posted it.  Look on the right side of page for the member ID and email address.  

    Then click on Members link located on right side of screen.

    Locate this member in the Member's list.

    Click Edit Membership underneath the members name.

    Scroll to bottom and click on "Ban Member".  Confirm that you want to Ban Member.

    Do this everytime you get spam messages posted on your site and spammers will finally go somewhere else to do their spamming.


    So what can we do to protect our businesses from the threat of spam? There are certain things that you can do in order to protect your email address from spammers, such as:

    • If you have to post your email address on websites replace @ with (at) and . with (dot). This way people will know that it is your email address but spammers who use these sites to harvest email addresses won't.

    • Don't post to newsgroups or discussion lists as they are the main source for spammers to get email addresses. In 2002 a survey was done which showed that 97% of spam was sent to addresses that were posted on public websites such as newsgroups.

    • Avoid getting listed in online directories or chat rooms Many Internet Service Providers (ISPs) or web-based email services have online directories that you can sign-up to when subscribing to their service. Avoid doing this as your email is likely to be harvested by spammers. Also when using chat rooms make sure that you have a display name so that your email address isn't shown every time you post something.

    • Don't use a live email link. Avoid putting live email links on your website as it is the easiest way for spammers to harvest your email address but you have to be careful as potential customers could need that email address. There are several ways you can solve this problem, for example put a contact form on your website so that people can write messages and the appropriate person can get back to them. You could also use an auto responder, which is where if someone emails the auto responder it will reply with your company email address; spammers will fail to see this reply.

    • Use multiple email address, always have separate email accounts for work and personal use. This will cut down on the amount of spam you will receive for your work account, protecting your network more.

    • Don't reply to spam emails. This may sound obvious but this goes for trying to unsubscribe to the email as this will only cause you to receive more spam as you have verified that the email account is live.

    • Never buy anything. Spammers make money when people buy their products online, giving them more incentive to send more spam mail, so if no one buys their products or services they fail to have a reason to send junk email.

  3. You should put your settings so that only members can post messages. Another tip is to moderate new members messages.

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