
Some man is cleaning my windows/fixing the roof?

by  |  earlier

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I'm sposed to be going out and am pretty anti social when it comes to talking to people like this.

My dads just gone to work and is saying i need to offer him a drink, even though im supposed to be going out later, my hairs still wet AND he's on the roof.

Ha, is it somehow rude if i just ignore him untill he knocks on the door to come to the toilet?




  1. It is a nice thing to do to offer a tradesman who is working on your house a cup of tea.  It only takes a few minutes.  Dry you hair and be nice.

  2. lol where do you live? its 4am where i am, no ones on my roof! i would just offer him a drink, chances are hes ugly/old/fat lol plus, youll never see him again (unless he comes back to fix some more windows)

  3. Hi !! He is a hired hand and therefore any offers of drinks, use of toilets etc, are up to the individual. In your situation i would say it was not rude or unsocial not to offer these extras for your own safety.

  4. Offer him a drink when your hair is dry ad five minutes before you go out..At least if he has one drink during the day he will be fine ..

  5. Don't offer him anything, he is getting probably $60/hr or more, the more breaks he takes the more this costs whoever is paying the guy. But hey if your dad is paying him and said to offer a drink, leave it on the hood of his truck and take off.

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