
Some my messages to my group are bouncing back, saying user doesn't have a yahoo account; I am moderator.?

by  |  earlier

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Is also happening to one of our other members. When I post short test message, it does post. Message is only 33kb.




  1. When that happens to me with messages sent via Outlook Express using what I thought was my Hotmail account which I use for groups, I check my "Sent" folders in both my ISP provided account and my Hotmail account.  Usually I will find that instead of the messages being sent via my Hotmail account, they were sent via my ISP provided account.  

    You could check and see if this is what's happening in your case.  It took me a while to discover what was causing it.  If you are using Yahoo mail, you can send a Yahoo Mail Help Form to Yahoo Staff for assistance.  Here is link to form:

  2. generally speaking, moderators don't get such notices default per group. those notices were floating around a few months ago to any member-

    if you log into yahoo and visit that group homepage, right smack above the title- group name where it has your yahoo ID, at the end it would say 'moderator'

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