
Some names of cricket players starting with alphabet L ?

by Guest33533  |  earlier

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Some names of cricket players starting with alphabet L ?




  1. Laxsman

  2. interesting... people have posted first and last names of cricketers starting with the letter L.

  3. idk




  5. Labrooy, Graeme F   Sri Lanka   9 Tests   44 ODIs

    Laird, Bruce M Australia 21 Tests 23 ODIs

    Laker, James C England 46 Tests

    Lakshitha, Materba K G C P Sri Lanka 2 Tests 7 ODIs

    Lall Singh India 1 Tests

    Lama, S B Hong Kong    1 ODIs

    Lamb, Allan J England 79 Tests 122 ODIs

    Lamba, Raman India 4 Tests 32 ODIs

    Lambert, Clayton B United States 5 Tests 12 ODIs

    Lamsam, John P R Hong Kong    1 ODIs

    Lance, Herbert R South Africa 13 Tests

    Langer, Justin L Australia 105 Tests 8 ODIs

    Langeveldt, Charl K South Africa 6 Tests 59 ODIs

    Langford-Smith, Dave Ireland    22 ODIs

    Langley, Gilbert R A Australia 26 Tests

    Langridge, James England 8 Tests

    Langton, Arthur B C South Africa 15 Tests

    Lara, Brian C West Indies 131 Tests 299 ODIs

    Larkins, Wayne England 13 Tests 25 ODIs

    Larsen, Gavin Rolf New Zealand 8 Tests 121 ODIs

    Larter, John D F England 10 Tests

    Larwood, Harold England 21 Tests

    Lashley, Patrick D West Indies 4 Tests

    Latham, Rodney T New Zealand 4 Tests 33 ODIs

    Lathwell, Mark N England 2 Tests

    Laughlin, Trevor J Australia 3 Tests 6 ODIs

    Laver, Frank Australia 15 Tests

    Law, Stuart G Australia 1 Tests 54 ODIs

    Lawrence, David V England 5 Tests 1 ODIs

    Lawrence, Godfrey B South Africa 5 Tests

    Lawry, William M Australia 67 Tests 1 ODIs

    Lawson, Geoffrey F Australia 46 Tests 79 ODIs

    Lawson, Jermaine J C West Indies 13 Tests 13 ODIs

    Laxman, Vangipurappu V S India 93 Tests 86 ODIs

    Le Roux, Frederick L South Africa 1 Tests

    Leadbeater, Edward England 2 Tests

    Lee, Brett Australia 65 Tests 168 ODIs

    Lee, Harry W England 1 Tests

    Lee, Philip K Australia 2 Tests

    Lee, Shane Australia    45 ODIs

    Lees, Walter S England 5 Tests

    Lees, Warren K New Zealand 21 Tests 31 ODIs

    Lefebvre, Roland P Netherlands    11 ODIs

    Legall, Ralph West Indies 4 Tests

    Leggat, Ian B New Zealand 1 Tests

    Leggat, John G New Zealand 9 Tests

    Legge, Geoffrey B England 5 Tests

    Lehmann, Darren S Australia 27 Tests 117 ODIs

    Leslie, Charles F H England 4 Tests

    Lever, John K England 21 Tests 22 ODIs

    Lever, Peter England 17 Tests 10 ODIs

    Leverock, Russell D M Bermuda    25 ODIs

    Leveson-Gower, Henry D G England 3 Tests

    Levett, William H V England 1 Tests

    Lewis, Anthony R England 9 Tests

    Lewis, Clairmonte C England 32 Tests 53 ODIs

    Lewis, Desmond M West Indies 3 Tests

    Lewis, Johnathan England 1 Tests 13 ODIs

    Lewis, Michael L Australia    7 ODIs

    Lewis, Percy T South Africa 1 Tests

    Lewis, Rawl N West Indies 5 Tests 26 ODIs

    Leyland, Maurice England 41 Tests

    Liaqat Ali Pakistan 5 Tests 3 ODIs

    Liebenberg, Gerhardus F J South Africa 5 Tests 4 ODIs

    Lillee, Dennis K Australia 70 Tests 63 ODIs

    Lilley, Arthur F A England 35 Tests

    Lillywhite, James England 2 Tests

    Lindsay, Denis T South Africa 19 Tests

    Lindsay, John D South Africa 3 Tests

    Lindsay, Neville V South Africa 1 Tests

    Lindwall, Raymond R Australia 61 Tests

    Ling, William V S South Africa 6 Tests

    Lissette, Alan F New Zealand 2 Tests

    Liyanage, Dulip K Sri Lanka 9 Tests 16 ODIs

    Llewellyn, Charles B South Africa 15 Tests

    Lloyd, Clive H West Indies 110 Tests 87 ODIs

    Lloyd, David England 9 Tests 8 ODIs

    Lloyd, Graham D England    6 ODIs

    Lloyd, Timothy A England 1 Tests 3 ODIs

    Loader, Peter J England 13 Tests

    Lock, Alan C I Zimbabwe 1 Tests 8 ODIs

    Lock, Graham A R England 49 Tests

    Lockhart, Douglas R Scotland    4 ODIs

    Lockwood, William H England 12 Tests

    Logie, Augustine L West Indies 52 Tests 158 ODIs

    Lohmann, George A England 18 Tests

    Lokuarachchi, Kaushal S Sri Lanka 4 Tests 21 ODIs

    Lonsdale, Christopher H Bermuda    1 ODIs

    Loudon, Alexander G R England    1 ODIs

    Louw, Jan L Namibia    1 ODIs

    Love, Hampden S B Australia 1 Tests

    Love, James D England    3 ODIs

    Love, Martin L Australia 5 Tests

    Loveridge, Glen R New Zealand 1 Tests

    Lowry, Thomas C New Zealand 7 Tests

    Lowson, Frank A England 7 Tests

    Loxton, Samuel J E Australia 12 Tests

    Loye, Malachy B England    7 ODIs

    Lubbers, Steven W Netherlands    4 ODIs

    Lucas, Alfred P England 5 Tests

    Luckhurst, Brian W England 21 Tests 3 ODIs

    Lundie, Eric B South Africa 1 Tests

    Luseno, Alfred Kenya    7 ODIs

    Lynch, Monte A England    3 ODIs

    Lyons, John J Australia 14 Tests

    Lyons , Ross T Scotland    13 ODIs

    Lyttelton, Alfred

  6. Laxman Sivaramkrishnan (India)

    Larry Gomes(West Indies)

    Lalchand (India)

    Lala Amarnath(India)

  7. first name or last. I saw people posting both

  8. Names of some of the cricketers starting with Alphabet L are given below:

    1)  Lala Amarnath.(India)

    2) Lakshmipathy Balaji.(India)

    3) Laxmidas Purshottamdas Jai(India)

    4) Learie Constantine (West Indies)

    5) Leslie Walcott(West Indies)

    6) Lionel Birkett(West Indies)

    7)Leslie Hylton (West Indies)

    8) Lance Pierre (West Indies)

    9) Leslie Wight (WSest Indies)

    10) Lennox Butler (West Indies)

    11) Lance Gibbs (West Indies)

    12) Lester King (West Indies)

    13) Lawrence Rowe(West Indies)

    14) Leonard Baichan (West Indies)

    15) Larry Gomes(West Indies)

    16) Lincoln Roberts (West Indies)

    17)  Leon Garrick (West Indies)

    18) Lord Harris(England)

    19) Leland Hone (England)

    20) Leslie g*y (England)

    21) Lord Hawke (England)

    22) Len Braund (England)

    23)Lionel Palairet (England)

    24) Leonard Moon(England)

    25)Les Ames(England)

    26) Leslie Townsend (England)

    27) Len Hopwood (England)

    28) Laurie Fishlock (England)

    29) Len Wilkinson (England)

    30) Les Jackson (England)

    The list will go on.

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