
Some navy questions?

by Guest63712  |  earlier

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what do i have to do to become a navy medic?

can you transfer from civilian college to the academy w/o being in ROTC?

what are the new benefits of the GI bill as far as college goes?

are there any start up bonuses when you join?

how long do you have to stay in the navy?




  1. Dang, good questions, allot, but good questions....

    To be a Navy Corpsman all you have to do is meet the qualifications to join the Navy, meet the minimum ASVAB requirements to be a Corpsman, then request it at MEPS (Military Enlisted Processing Station)

    Yes you can get accepted into the Naval Academy. I have to warn you the academic requirements are brutal but it can be done. The good news is the Navy has many programs to earn a commission to a Naval officer from it's enlisted ranks. As well as incredible opportunities to earn your college degree while serving as a Navy Corpsman.

    Refer to this website for detailed information regarding the GI bill

    Enlistment bonuses are based on the need to fill certain jobs. It depends on the demand for people in certain jobs at certain times. Jobs in the Navy are very much sought after so bonuses come and go often. Check with your recruiter but don't let a bonus make a decision for you.

    Minimum enlistment in the Navy Hospital Corpman program is four years and here is why. The school the Navy will send you to to become a Corpman will teach you everything a civilian nurse will learn in four years of college. The Navy will do it in six months and do it better. AND they will pay YOU while they teach you. In return the Navy asks you to serve as a highly trained Corpmans for the ramainder of your enlistment. Fair enough I think. Besides, look at it this way, doesn't every help wanted ad always ask for experience? Where the heck do you get experience if you just got out of school?

    Check this out, this is better than sliced the person that just got out of four years of school that has a degree, no experience and $10,000-$40,000 in debt for school loans to the Navy guy that is a certified Corpman, four years of documented hands on experience, a college degree (if your motivated) oh and lets not for get that not only does he NOT have any school loans but he made over $100,000 in income during that same four years :-)

    Did I fail to mention that with tuition assistance that pays for your college while you are on active duty you don't have to use your GI bill? Save that to pay for your Masters when you get out!!

    Good luck my friend.

  2. not sure about the first two questions but the new GI Bill is awesome.  Enlistments are from 2 -4 years with extensions of various year re-enlistment requirements depending on what rate you go into.  I think with ROTC you would go in as an officer.  Not sure though.

  3. 1: meet the minimum ASVAB score and physical requirements for HM.  It's a full rating at the moment and very hard to get without a long wait.

    2: you could, but you will STILL do all 4 years at the Academy.  zero credits will transfer.  you will NOT be an HM if you attend USNA.  

    3: slightly more benefits, more flexible to $1200 initial cost.  

    4: Bonuses are few and far between,  College credits , depending on how many you have..can get you a bonus.  certain ratings come with bonuses( HM is NOT one of them).  

    5: all contracts are eight years.  depending on rating( HM is FIVE years ) you will spend as little as 4 and as many as six Active duty.  
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