
Some of the central ideas surrounding the creation of a kibbutz are mutual aid, community, and communal owners

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  1. One should note that a high number of Israeli government leaders were raise on kibbutz farms. As with most commune attempts human nature won out

  2. What's your question?

    Were the objectives of the kibbutz movement mutual aid, community, and communal owners? Yes.

    Were Children’s Societies formed to teach children about religious prejudices? Meaning, in kibbutzim? No. The kibbutzniks thought that children would form healthier attachments to the community if they were raised communally, and had only limited contact with their parents. That was the purpose of the "Children's Societies" and that's probably the single biggest misjudgment made by the kibbutz movement. Kibbutzim nowadays allow parents to raise their kids as intact family units; they merely provide day-care service like other responsible workplaces.

    Edit to add: The kibbutz movement hasn't "failed", kibbutzim still exist; they have merely evolved and adapted.

  3. Yes, those were the central ideas behind the creation of kibbutz. Unfortunately the founders of this system did not take human nature into account, so the kibbutz were a failure.

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