
Some of you, think that to be a nationalist person is something good. (sorry my english, I am chilean)?

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Some of you, think that to be a nationalist person is something good. (sorry my english, I am chilean)?




  1. There are types of nationalism. It depends on how nationalism is represented/manifested. You can be proud of your birth country, feel pride in hearing a national anthem but also you can feel nationalist towards an ancestral country not necessarily the country you were born in.

    A person may be proud of being english, may be an english nationalist, but it doesnt mean they despise those who are not. In Britain we do not have a huge nationalist political movement in terms of the national front or any other organisation that could be termed nationalist and racist. It all depends on how its manifested and what people think of when they think of  'nationalism'.

  2. It depends on what you mean by being a nationalist. There is nothing wrong with loving the country of your birth, where ever that may be. After all, that is where your roots are. It is important to feel you belong. However, I strongly dislike any notion that one nation is superior to another. There is good and bad in all nations all over the world. It would be much better to be an humanist rather than a nationalist and judge individuals as we find them.

  3. As long as it does not become an obsession.

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