
Some one better help me before i punch in my computer <span title="screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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ok i have askd this queation 3 times and some one tells me to do something i already did so i am going to sound it out for you!!!!!!

i take screen pic. i open paint shop pro. i past pic in there. i crop pic. i resize pic. i 'save pic as'. i saved it into a folder called layout picture. i went to photobucket. i click upload picture. i click on desktop. i click on layout picture. picture not there. i exit out of photo bucket. i open the folder layout picture. picture there. i click on it. it says no preveiw avalible.

how do i upload the dang picture?!?!?!?!?




  1. Being a Photoshop &amp; Mac user, I don&#039;t know paintshop pro at all. But in Photoshop, you have to &quot;flatten&quot; layers in an image in order to save it as a jpeg.  I would open the image file in Paintshop and see if there is something like that.. possibly in a Layers menu. If you&#039;re able to make that sort of change, then you should be able to save it as a jpeg.  The reason it&#039;s not working is because it isn&#039;t a jpg, and Photobucket is looking for a jpg, which is why it doesn&#039;t &quot;see&quot; your file.

  2. what&#039;s the file extension of your photo?

    it&#039;s likely not in the right format for photobucket -- open the photo again in paint shop pro and try to save it as a .jpg or a .gif then try again.

  3. u need to make sure is a jpeg! U did every ting correct just when u save it make sure u save as a jpeg good luck!

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