
Some one had there wallet stolen and is blaming me. ?

by  |  earlier

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A few weeks ago I was out and about with a few friends, 4 to be exact. We go to this party where 3 more of my friends show up but they left one behind that needed to be picked up. So I go to pick him up and we go back to the party but when we get back it was getting busted so my 4 friends plus the other 4 go back to the dudes house I pick him up from. Now my phone is dieing and one of the guys that were there had the same changer so I go up into the room with the kid and another girl to charge it. They left me up stairs for 2 seconds alone that’s it. Then I talk to who I need to and left to pick him up and come back but when I came back everyone had to go so I left. The next day I get a phone call asking if I stole the guy’s wallet out of his room. I said I didn’t and I never would have done a thing like that. He asked if it was me because I have always thought of him like an a*****e type guy but I would still never do a thing like that. The guy finds his wallet at some version store in an ashtray. The wallet had 500.00 dollars in it to that went missing. What I found out later is that he had more people over at his house before I was there that could have stolen it and his brother who is staying there had people over to. They want me to give finger prints witch I don’t mind but its just I don’t know what to do? I just turned 18 I’m not really sure what to do so any information would be great.




  1. You learned a valuable lesson.  Don't over over to houses occupied or owned by A$$holes.  If you really think they are that way, stay away from them.  If anything ever goes wrong, you will almost always have someone that knows how you feel about the person implicating you in whatever happened.  

  2. Yeah if you didnt do it dont worry.  However, they cannot make you give fingerprints, only the police can do that.

  3. your right, this guy is a real a**hole with an a**hole story.  forget it, he needs to file a police report before he points a finger, his story is so screwed up the police would laugh. chaulk it up to lessoned learned. and next time don't volunteer for anything.

  4. just be completely honest if you have nothing to hide.

    tell them what you did upstairs, and what you did after.

    point out that there were other people with the opportunity and hope everything goes well.

  5. If you didn't do this, you have nothing to worry about. If you feel that you are being persecuted in any way or set up, consult with an attorney. You have rights. good luck

  6. If you didn't do it, you have nothing to worry about.

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