
Some one keeps calling me then hangs up? and im starting 2 get freaked out?

by  |  earlier

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Some one keeps calling my home phone but when i pick up they hang up. if it only happened once or 2ce i wouldnt be freaked out but it happens like 2-3 times a day for like the last week and i call *69 and it just says that its a private # what can i do cos its freakin me out. so i called the phone company and they just told me to change my # but i wanna know whos callin me is there any way i can do this? I heard the operator can tell u but i never tried it




  1. Your phone provider should definatly be able to tell you this. I've had it happen so I called AT&T and they were happy to tell me who was calling me. Just be more demanding with them. After all...YOU are paying THEM for their services. Right?

  2. I think you should just not answer the phone.    Ask your parents about it, and try to not get freaked out.

  3. Talk to your phone provider and if they don't take any action

    then report it to police.

  4. go back to the phone company this is harassment if they don't want to be helpful then contact your local police department, which you should possible do anyways it sounds like you are either on a telemarketers list or someone could be trying to find out when you are not home,  for robbery purposes

  5. tell me if u find out kuz i'd like to kno also...

  6. You like c**p and sometimes this is what c**p does, choose

    better friends,

  7. Maybe you shouldn't get freaked out by it.  Maybe you've seen too many scary movies?   Don't worry though, lot's of people get hang up calls including myself.   It doesn't bother me because you just have to have the right attitude.   I just say F' em.  If they don't want to talk to me then s***w them.   I don't waist my time playing *69 games either as I don't really give a d**n.   I've never even used *69 and I think they should just get rid of that service...

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