
Some one send me a messenge telling me my picture are on

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some one send me a messenge telling me my picture are on should i do




  1. I have seen that .com listed numerous times with the same thing happening to others. I tend to believe, from a few of the posts, that is is not really true and your pics are NOT on that website.

    But remember once you put your picture out there in cyber land it can and does end up anywhere.  If you are really pretty other girls/guys steal it to use as their own on other websites. Some end up on porno sites and so on.

    Remember I do NOT know if it is true or not just what others have posted.

  2. i just got the same mesasge it's prob spam. i  went to the web site and it vaguely says "you picture was detected on this web site" then asks for personal info. i think it's a scam, that tricks people by making them afraid.... as far as spam goes this is pretty crafty. maby people finaly caught on that the "click her for free stuff" buttons were fake, so they got more creative. lol

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