
Some one stole my daughter's iPod at school. What should I do?

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Ok, My daughter is 15 and 2 days before the last day of school, during luch at the cafeteria, 3 or 4 boys grab her iPod($280) and kept passing it to each other till my daughter lost sight of it. She knows one of the boys (not really her friend) who grab her ipod first, and she though he would give it to her after school.

After school, the boy was nowhere to be found.

When my daughter got home she told me what had happen and I told her we will go and find out the next day at school.

We went to the office and we where told to report it to the school police, we did , the officer went looking for the boy who took it first(ipod) but they did not show up for school. Officer said that they will look in to it, but i haven't heard anything from them and we don't know where the boy's address.

What else can i do beside kicking his butt when i see him on the street?




  1. Let that be a lesson to the both of you.  

    School is no place for expensive items like iPODs.  In fact, I am sure that the schools has a policy banning such items at school for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the expense of the item and the schools lack of responsiblity for loss and damage.

  2. Your daughter should take books to school and lunch money, not IPods.  Hope she learned her lesson.  Sometime's they're tough.

  3. Keep after the school, they would like it to all go away. Tell them you will call the police if they don't take action, like expelling the boy and reporting him to the police.

    Or you can just call the police.

    Also call your insurance company, this may be covered under your homeowner's or renters insurance.


  4. Report to the REAL police

  5. kids can be soo cruel and sneaky i am very sorry to say this but you might never get her ipod back

  6. Try the actual police dept instead of school police.

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