
Some one told me that the bible is the only accurate religious book because ?

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so many thing in the bible predicted what would happen the the future and that why christianity is the one true religion can any one explain this to me




  1. There is no "only accurate religious book."  Every religious book ever written contains some truths, and some untruths.  It is your job as a reasoning human being to weed through the errors and misinformation and find that grain of truth.  That's everyone's responsibility, really.

  2. All predictions come true when written AFTER the event.

  3. How can a book that's been rewritten numerous times with a multitude of versions be "accurate"?

    And christianity is one of a plethora of religions that claim to be "the one true religion".

    Religion is a facade my friend.

    There's nothing "true" about it.

    Good luck.

  4. Biblical prophecy turns out to be startlingly vague with few due-by dates, except the one where Jesus would come back while one apostle was still alive to see it.

    I'm sure some religious texts have made no predictions, so that's a strange standard anyway.

  5. First, there are many prophecies in the bible that predict future occurences that have been fulfilled, and we KNOW the prophecies were made before the even happened

    Second, archaeologists are constantly  discovering evidence confirming biblical accounts(Isreal's kings' palaces, for example) and NOTHING has been found to disprove the bible.

  6. It predicted great many events, but unfortunately, only after they happened.

  7. The Bible is hardly an infallible resource.  Rather than being a single, cohesive work of religious literature, it is an anthology of shorter works of literature which were written across many centuries.  It consists of historically-based legends, with poetry, religious essays, and letters added in.  It is not even a complete collection of the existing body of early Christian writings; the books of the Bible were chosen from among a much larger body of Christian literature.   Different people on the selection committee migtht well have chosen different early Christian works for inclusion in the Bible; what we have is pretty much luck of the draw.

  8. It is the only book authored by a true living Creator of all things.  The rest are cheap imitations.

    For most of the world's history, people believed the world to be flat and propped up by something (columns, animals, Atlas, etc.).  The Bible on the other hand, knew precisely what the earth looked like from the outside.  Job 26:7 shows it "hung upon nothing".  While Isaiah 40:22 shows the earth was a "circle".  Now some claim they assume that meant flat disk.  The closest they had to a ball for play would probably have been a human head played  as the beginnings of Polo.  So circle was good enough for ball.

    When the Bible said someone or thing existed, they did.  Many like some other answerers here would declare it could not possibly happen or for such and such man to have existed.  Then science finds some receipt or bill for that person in some pot unearthed from that time.  Proving the Bible true.

    there about a hundred prophecies about Jesus.  He fulfilled them all including when, where and to whom he would be born.  Now one can do many things but choosing your parents is not one of them.  Or else i would have been born rich.  Bethlehem was certainly no metropolis.  It was a backwater little town we would never have known if it wasn't for Jesus.

    Many other prophesies dealt with history before it happened.  (Which is the definition of prophecy.)  Jesus died in 33CE.  He predicted the complete destruction of the temple at Jerusalem that did not occur until about 70CE.  Over 35 years later.  One of the closest time periods for prophecy.  What makes it really unique is he provided a way out for his people that even today can not be accounted for.  We know it was something Jesus said by so many people obeying his warnings.  If he had no said it, then all would have joined the rest of Jerusalem in celebration of their victory over Rome.  They thought they had beaten the Roman army.  How bloated with pride!  Those who obeyed ran from Jerusalem without packing.  So the bandits along the trail did not harm them.  Those who partially listened, but stopped to pack, were slaughtered by the bandits.  Those who did not listen and stayed were slaughtered by the Romans when the army returned.

    This was always one of my favorite examples of prophecy at work.  That the Roman army came is known to all.  Why they left still is not understood by anyone, except maybe God arranging for it.  That they came back and committed the greatest slaughter of Jews in history is also true.  The only ones to survive were those who listened and obeyed Jesus' words some 35 years previously.

    It is alive for our time as well.  Living by the Bible standards will allow us to have the greatest life fulfillment possible as it is our Operators Manual authored by our Designer and Maker.

    It also shows what His intentions are about earth.  How the answer to the challenge to His authority to rule His creations has been almost completed.  Soon, He will make changes to the planet and people to take things back to His original purpose of a paradise planet with perfect people with everlasting life.  

    The real question is, will each one of us be like those Jews who listened and obeyed or like those delusional Jews who though they beat the Roman army?  One lived while the other was slaughtered.

  9. It sounds like you are being indoctrinated into a typical "fear" cult version of Christianity - these are the people who put the "stain" in Christain...

  10. Just listen to what other religions have to say. Listen to what atheists say too. There are no accurate religious books. No predictions in any of them came true. This is like Nostradamus' predictions. An objective persson knows that neither really predicted anything that came true.

  11. Nope, I'm afraid no-one can.

    There's a good reason for it too.

    Its all fallacy.


  12. I don't think any one religion is right. Sorry.

  13. Because?????    Because that is what THEY believe.

    I do not make that comment because I do not believe it.

    We follow our own paths, but I would like to see everyone accepting the right for everyone to believe in their own path.   Because I say something is right, does not make everyone, or anything else wrong and me right.   I could not make a statement saying that the religious (or non-religious) books I read are the ONLY ACCURATE books, because that would be telling you that you are wrong and I am right.   We are all right in our own way, on the paths we have chosen.  I ALLOW you the same right.

  14. Lol, that's a lie. More like a terrible excuse for using your mind.

    The bible is one of the most INACCURATE books in history.

  15. 1.) The Old Testament, written over a 1,000-year period, contains more than 300 references to the coming Messiah.  All of these were fulfilled in Jesus Christ, and they established a solid confirmation of His credentials as the Messiah, the Anointed One (King; Priest; Saint), and Intercessor (to release or deliver; help; meet; seek; accompany).

    2)  In the 26th chapter of Ezekiel (592-570 BC), seven things are predicted to happen to the city of Tyre

        1) Nebuchadnezzar will destroy the mainland of Tyre (Ezekiel 26:8).

        2) Many nations will be against Tyre (Ezekiel 26:3).

        3) Tyre will be made a bare rock, flat like the top of a rock (Ezekiel 26:4).

        4) Fishermen will spread their nets over the site (Ezekiel 26:5).

        5) Debris will be thrown into the water (Ezekiel 26:12).

        6) Tyre never will be rebuilt (Ezekiel 26:14).

        7) Tyre never will be found again (Ezekiel 26:21).

    3.) Some other examples of fulfilled Bible prophecy about history:  

    Babylon  (Daniel 2, 7; Isaiah 13:19-22; 14:22-23; Jeremiah 51:26, 43)

    Chorazin-Bethsaida-Capernaum   (Matthew 11:20-24 )

    Gaza-Ashkelon  (Amos 1:8; Jeremiah 47:5; Zephaniah 2:4)

    Moab-Ammon   (Ezekiel 25:3-4; Jeremiah 48:47; 49:6)

    Nineveh   (Nahum 1:8-10; 2:6; 3:10, 13, 19)

    Palestine   (Leviticus 26:31-33 & Ezekiel 36:33-35)

    Petra-Edom   (Isaiah 34:5-15; Jeremiah 49:17-18; Ezekiel 25:13-14; 35:15)

    Samaria   (Hosea 13:16 & Micah 1:6)

    Sidon   (Ezekiel 28:22-23)

    Thebes-Memphis   (Ezekiel 30:13-15)

  16. I can predict the future too. it will rain.

  17. You were completely misled. The Bible is based on myth, and has no accuracy.

    Some people take a prophecy and twist it to make it fit later events; and you'll find that different believers will make the same prophecy fit different events.

    Some, such as the Millerites, expected the Lord to come again on a particular date; and when He didn't they just changed the dates, only to be disappointed again each time.

    All religions, including Christianity, are based on myths, so cannot be true.  

  18. That's bullshit. Every religion has it's prophecies that have "come true". h**l, the prophecies of the Oracle at Delphi came true, so I guess that means Apollo is the one true god!

  19. I am a Panentheistic Hellenic Pagan, so I see "religion" in Nature and for me forces and concepts are Gods.

    Different religions hold different amounts of truth for people - each person has to find their own path.  To say any one religion is the "only true one" is a combinaiton of insecurity, arrogance and ignorance.

    Also, isn't it clear that you could add to or take away from any document to make it say what you want? Books and texts can lie... nature cannot lie.

    The only book that is accurate to me is the Book of Nature.

  20. did they show you any of these "fulfilled predictions"?

    i wonder why not......oh, thats right, there are none

    you were lied to to

  21. ...and someone told me easter bunnies exist.  

  22. It was written by man and contradicts itself constantly. How can you possibly take it 100% literally?

    how much c**p did nostradamus predict,should we be worshipping him?

  23. I would say that it is very accurate. The bible is about truth and nothing but, the truth. Look at how Jesus talked about wars and rumors of wars being one of the signs of it becoming close to the last days. At this point their are wars and people dying at war. When u think of it The garden of Eden is in Iraq! The world started at The Garden of Eden and it MAY end there. Don't u think?

  24. predictions were made in the bible about the future and have come true as predicted.

    They prove that the bible is true.

  25. i can't explain it to you because it's total bollocks.

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