
Some one was trying to steal files on my computer, the anti spy ware caught it, said it had the address ? ?

by  |  earlier

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Of the computer trying to steal my files, is that the IM address? What can be done about it?

Is that a criminal offense?

Are all the anti spyware's that sophisticated?

I don't even know what I got, someone else installed it




  1. Not the IM address, but the IP address, usually presented as  a set of four numbers in the range 0 to 255, e.g. Once you know the IP address, you can find who owns that address. However, there's no certainty that was the person hacking into your PC - their machine may have been hacked too. Are you sure someone was actually accessing your files? A firewall usually says that the address was trying to get in and doesn't say anything about stealing files.

    Yes, it's illegal, and is regarded as a very serious crime too. In fact, it's very unlikely that they'll get away without a jail sentence.

    Most anti-spyware is pretty good, but I think this is a firewall.

  2. yes its a crime for someone to gain unauthorized access to your computer

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