
Some parents on here?

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Are so insensitive. I was called a liar by a Mother here who didn't believe my son had died. Why do people have to judge on other parents here?

Does this happen to you?




  1. They are insensitive, however, unfortunately there are many many people here who lie about things like that. Sick sick people.

  2. I'm so sorry that others have misjudged you.  I've always thought of you as a very honest dad from the answers I've seen from you.  Judgment is one of those ugly unavoidable things on this forum.  I've been accused by another user of having multiple accounts, which I obviously know is not true, but it's still upsetting when others lie about you or call you a liar when you know it's not true.  I'm sorry for the loss of your son.  I can relate to a degree.  I miscarried a baby in April of 2007 when I was about three months pregnant.  It was devastating.  Shame on the person who called you a liar in such a difficult time in your life.  I'm pretty much sure they are a troll.  My prayers are with you.


    Liam: You've been on this board for a week and you "know" this person is lying?  How would you know?  That's very insensitive of you.

  3. HI, I am not too sure, I am truly sorry If you have in deed lost your son! I have watched your youtube film, he was beautiful!

    The reason parents don't always believe other on here, is when you check out their questions and answers, things don't always ring true!

    For example it is quite shocking that you had to watch your child dying so near to your twins being born? Also, how do you find time for yahoo answers when you are going through such dreadful grief?

    I don't know why, but I am not sure something in your story doesn't fit!

    Sorry! But I hate to say it, but something feels wrong here! i agree with Laim, your questions don't add up!

  4. I'm not judging you one way or the other, but it is a little hard to figure out how it is that three months ago you were posting about whether to try for a baby and then one month ago you were reporting the birth of your twins.  

    I don't take anybody on here at face value, and I only judge people who are being actively hurtful.  I feel this is a far better forum for seeking advice (which you can evaluate on its face) than forming opinions about the person typing that advice.

  5. That's not insensitive, that's someone pointing out the truth.

    Your story has changed so much, you can't make up your mind can you? Which one will give you the most sympathy? Not long ago, your fiance was pregnant and about a week later she suddenly gave birth. Honestly I didn't know pregnancies went that fast. It's disgusting, how you lie about a child dying when it isn't even real. You must be sad to put so much time into making a video of a boy who isn't even yours. None of what you've said is real. You also claim your a psychiatrist but you've been asking questions on medication and mental health. If you were a psychiatrist, you'd know them things. I think you really need to get a life because there are people who really have things happening. You might have helped people on this fake account but you need to stop getting sympathy for your fake stories.

    Everyone just look through his questions... fake.

    EDIT -

    Three months ago he didn't know whether he wanted a new child or not, now he has twins. His Dad died, he's been addicted to heroin, his Mum beat him, his sister died, his son died. This guy is a liar and it's horrid.

  6. I was ready to yell atsome these answers BUT i looked all through your questions and NOT one mentions your son having cancer NOT ONE just that he had a mental illness ..i also looked through everyone of your questions and think YOUR an attention seeker because when you state your son died of cancer you had twins born and every other drama known to man ..i do not judge people BUT i will look through questions take the one below !

  7. You're a member of the parenting forum which contains mostly women.  Mothers take children and things posted as facts about children very seriously.  Add to that that a good handful of them are pregnant.  That'a a lotta estrogen.

    Me, I dont care if you're true blue or not.  I think I've done a pretty good job of proving that to you too.  I answer all questions that I'm knowledgable about.  Even if the asker isn't for real, the question and its answer might help someone else out.  And it's not my job, nor an interest of mine, to uncover anyone's dark secrets in here.  

    Anyone here subject to scrutiny.  You have some conflicting things about your profile and postings.  You've been asked to explain it.  It's up to you whether you want to do that or not... Nobody has to answer to anyone in here.  But if you're accused of being a liar, well, maybe explaining it is for the greater good.  Depends on if what others think about you in here matters to you.  You want to be able to post here peacefully, and they want to hear something that makes sense.  Sounds win-win to me, and simple enough.  Sometimes the end result is more important than how we get there.

  8. Sorry i agree with the first poster ..YOU claim that your child passed away from cancer YET never ever once mentioned this at all just lots of other changing Stories...i watched your 'Show' that you make on youtube and to be honest you had just TWO pictures of your son with cancer i find this just unbelievable and the child in the end clips looked NOTHING like your son and was  Older than your son you claim to have passed !

  9. i dont know if what you say is true but many people on here are rude and think that the only right answer is their answer.  I am pissed off because these old women on here b*tch because i had my daughter at 18 and thye think its too young.  But you know what i have a great life now, my life is probably better now then if i never had my daughter.

  10. Reality, the devil know how to use the internet lol For real tho dont trip off what people say. As long as you know then you are all good...she isnt paying your bills or anything lol
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