
Some part of my sink is leaking?

by  |  earlier

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Its not my faucet thats leaking. Its this part --> So when i turn the tap on, start washing my dishes... after a while water starts spraying out. Eventually my counter is all water. What can i do to fix it, since my lazy *** father wont do anything, i thought i should

thanks : )




  1. your link did not show the picture you are referring to.

  2. never could get the picther to upload,so i can only go by how you explained it,maybe the oring between the spicket and faucet,or the washers on the stems.could even be the aireator,which all of these are easly repaired,hardware store will have the parts,cut the water to the faucet off,under the sink,then with a pair of channel lock pliers remove the parts to be repaired and take them with you to the hardware store and get the parts you need then just put them in in reverse.

  3. Your sink is leaking around the sink trap. It used to be common practice to use plumbers putty as seal around sink trap, the plumbers putty breaks down and leaks.  Buy a new rubber seal and install by removing the slip nut under sink. Clean out all of the old putty before installing new rubber gasket.

    Good Luck

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