
Some people Vs All people...(details)?

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This popular way of not making blanket generalisations is widely employed on GWS. In both Q & A it is claimed that only 'some men' are misogynistic whereas 'most men' are deemed reasonable (that's the rhetoric anyway).

If only a proportion of men are truly anti-women, why is feminism so much at loggerheads with society at large? Who needs a major movement against minor concerns.

Of course, if the concerns are not minor and feminists think that most men (if not all) perpetuate inequality should they be honest about it and say so, rather than softening the blow to appear less judgemental?




  1. No no no, not "most men (if not all) perpetuate inequality"

    Nice try though, kudos on an original anti-fem argument.

    Most PEOPLE are SEXIST in some way shape or form.  

    For instance, most PEOPLE still believe it is "proper" for a man to pay for a dinner date with a woman.

    Most PEOPLE still view masculinity = strength and femininity = weakness

    Spend a little time off of GWS and watch television, listen to the radio, read magazines.  Spend some time with the things that mainstream society is exposed to most often and it's disgusting how inaccurate the GWS "everyone is equal!" rose-colored glasses really are.  This place is a ridiculous exception to the rule of reality.

    It bugs the h**l out of me how many people around here seem to think they have some sort of grasp on "equality" and  "gender studies" because they entertain these thoughts for a few minutes a day when the inbox is empty.

    Sexism is seething from every corner of the world and coming from nearly EVERY person in it.  The real world that is, not this PC-wonderland.

  2. The fact that a certain attitude continues to exist in the minds of "some" says a lot about society at large. And feminism has had its share of blanket generalizations, even now. (Some see it as a major concern that requires a major movement, even though the specific events they oppose are not reflective of feminism.)

  3. Some v. All applies to feminists, too.  If you had 10 feminists you would get 10 different opinions about what needs to be done to improve the lot of women in the world.  

    Saying "some" recognizes that all people are different.  2 people can be some.  If you say "most" you really need some number verification to back it up.  Saying "all" is just nonsense.

  4. sorry...  i cudent make heads or tales out of ur queston... pls rewrite it in english so ppl can understand it...

    sorry... i jus mean can u explain it in simpler words... i cant follow wat ur asking???

  5. feminism is a female supremacy movement. Anything short of ultra rights and becoming the "master" gender for feminists is inequality...

          That's why so many are drawn to it, it is a relatively accepted hate group. The type of language they use and there blatant misandric notions could of easily been taken from another age when the academic society used ridiculous studies and phony statistics as a justification for segregation and racism.

         We men are willing to be equals but not slave's.

    Feminists don't want equals they want slaves.

    Starting to see the problem?

  6. As a feminist I don't see myself as being at loggerheads with my society. I think America is doing quite well, actually- there are issues on both sides. Men have a couple legitimate complaints, and so do women. However, overall, America is coming along nicely....

    The rest of the world is my issue. For good reason African women are my feminism issue. Those women are in the grips of a highly misogynistic country. Yes... loggerheads aplenty there.

  7. Issues like racism. inequality and the like need constant maintainence to keep them from relapse. This is why a movement is always required.

    As to the some/all distinction, it is a logical requirement: e.g. 'some birds can't fly', is true, and 'all birds can fly', is false.

    In the social sphere I feel it is more a matter of careful language than logic. Many people betray their real opinions on here from time to time.

  8. Feminism IS NOT AGAINST MEN!!!!!

    It means you DO NOT RELY ON MEN!!!!!

  9. How dare you bring up a logical idea for us to contemplate!  GWS is for people who want to avoid such stuff and appear perfect.  Myself included.  Slander, insults, changing the subject and being sexist is the order of the day.  

    Albeit it's done on the sly...  ;)

  10. Feminists fight the generalization that there are "male" roles and behaviors and "female" roles and behaviors.  Ninety percent of the questions on this site by men are essentially complaints that self-determining women do not comply with those generalizations and subjective abstracted expectations.  Only a small proportion of men are anti-women's rights today in developed societies exactly because feminism has been at "loggerheads" with men quite effectively for several generations now and most men are MUCH more enlightened than they were just back in my youth.  I remain at "loggerheads" with anti-women's rights sentiment because it's sorta like a cancer you have to stay on top of.

  11. I think you're talking about two different issues.

    Most men are not misogynists, but at the same time most men are not well informed about the reasons why women are still disadvantaged in society.  So even the majority of good guys don't really understand the problems.  This means that feminists need to engage with all men, and not just misogynists, in order to make things change.

  12. Feminism would be much more accepted if they went about it in a more civil way.

    I'm supposed to take somebody seriously that goes out of their way to mimic the people they hate.

    (That sooooo high school......Move On)

    Ya know......I hate mimes.  Why would I want to go around and look like something I hate.

    Shakes the Clown

  13. Perception; we all have our inner; sometimes locked beliefs, as to how we view the world around us.  This perception often accompanies how we hear things; leading to our spoken/thought opinions.  What one sees as minor the other sees as major; whereas the one in the middle sees a combination of the two.  People will always agree with either three; for they have no choice in the matter, and this cannot be changed.

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