we are the final part of a long chain, and if we dont like the way a food is produced we shouldnt buy it. then they will have to change the way its produced. the press keep telling us to eat more fruit, but if you buy an apple from a suppermarket you have to peel it to get rid of all the c**p that they made the farmers spray it with to give it a longer shelf life in there shop.the skin is were most of the goodness is, so its not worth having.everything is the same, suppermarkets dictate what we eat. but we still have a choise, we are the end user and can buy from other sources. like local farms and farmers markets. i would rather pay a bit extra and get quality than bow to the suppermarket money machine..i grow all my own veg and if i had enough land would keep my own livestock..ps sorry for winging on but i feel its important..